The enchanted forest

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They reached water-land transfer area the next day. There things started getting interesting. Because this time they had to travel in that transfer area for a little while longer. All of them were getting really bored. Jason suggested a game of truth or dare. Everyone agreed to it, relieved they finally had something to do. Jules was interested as well. Jules started. "Okay, Hannah, I dare you to drink the sea water. It's fresh don't worry."
"How the heck is seawater fresh?" Hannah drank it anyway. When she sat back down in the boat, she started doing the chicken dance. Everyone was scared at first but Jules just laughed. "Just as this water makes you tell the truth, when you drink it it will make you do what you have desired to do all your life." Jules laughed harder. Andrew, Ace and Georgia joined as well. Hannah had finally stopped and was scowling. Georgia laughed, "Come on sis! It's funny!"
Well look! I'm laughing. Ha ha ha!." Hannah scowled. "Okay Georgia truth." "Mhm?"
"Hmm, let's think hard in this one." Hannah gazed thoughtfully. Then Andrew whispered something in her ear. Hannah laughed. Jason looked at them questioningly. Then Hannah whispered the question in Georgia's ear. Georgia's face flushed. Jason was too curious to remain silent. "What! What is it! Lemme know!!!!! Please..the suspense is killing me! Georgia said, "I'll be embarrassed of you say that out loud." Hannah said, "It's just a game G. Come on. Jason couldn't control himself. "What is the question!"
Hannah said, "You'll come to know." "Oh just tell me." Jason said.
As if on cue Georgia said, "He's amazing. He's really good looking."
Hannah said, "Hey girl, that's not enough! Tell us more!!" Jason was getting impatient. "What the hell is the question."
Andrew answered this time. "Describe the guy you really really really like." He smirked. Jason flushed.
Georgia gave up. "Okay fine. I'll describe him exactly as it is." Jason smiled, "So you like someone and you didn't tell me?" Then he pretended to be angry. "I thought we were friends!" He started laughing. He couldn't control it. Hannah said, "please Georgia continue. Because when a BFF asks a truth, she gets to ask you an additional question. But no one else hears it. It'll be between us. So the quicker you get it over with the better."
"Ugh, fine. He's really good looking. He's got blondish-brownish hair. He's known me for 7 years. He is reliable. He is very sarcastic and can be very mean and protective if he has to. That's all I'm giving you."
Hannah smiled. "Okay then. Now for the additional question." She came close to Georgia and whispered the question in her ear. "Is it Ace?" Georgia punched her in the shoulder gently, but laughed. "My dear sister, right on as always." Hannah laughed,"Dang Georgia! So soon?" She said this looking at Ace.
"Ahem?" She looked at Hannah and then at Ace and Andrew. Jason was looking at Georgia. He was smiling, or blushing, she couldn't tell. Then she said, "I think we can do one more round before reaching, right Jules?"
But Jules didn't reply. Hannah shrieked, "Jules!" When they looked at him, his blue eyes seemed to have turned green, the way Georgia's had when she was possessed. Georgia shrieked, "Guys! Get out now! We'll have to swim." Hannah screamed. She saw that two sharks were headed their way. All of them were scared. Georgia and Hannah went ahead as they were fast swimmers. Ace and Andrew stayed behind them as they were better fighters than Hannah and Georgia combined. Hannah and Georgia reached the shore in time. Jason also reached them. But Andrew's foot seemed to have gotten stuck in the corals. He couldn't get it out. Georgia shrieked. Jason said, "You both go ahead. I know how to fight sharks. I was a part of the national swimming team. I also- nevermind, now isn't the time. But trust me, both of you go ahead. You're both smart, strong and good fighters. I doubt you should face any thing. Just go. I'll get him. Georgia nodded her head. She went to Jason and hugged him. While she was hugging him, she whispered in his ear, "You're the guy I was talking about, but I still am in love with your sarcasm more." Jason laughed and said, "So you're saying you're in love with me," after a pause he said, "a little." Georgia laughed, "Maybe. Now go!" He swam towards Andrew. Hannah and Georgia couldn't see it anymore. Hannah and Georgia ran forward. After crossing the transfer boundary, they saw their surrounding. Marshy area. All the trees were immersed in water. It looked bizarre and yet beautiful. Georgia looked at Hannah. Hannah said, "It's so mysteriously beautiful. Where should we go now?"
Georgia shook her head, "I have no clue this time."
"Let's go quickly then, somewhere. We have to find a gate."
"Woah woah woah hold on. Remember Rajasvi told us that the answer to the riddle lies in your heart?"
"Um, yeah, but I don't think it'll do us any good right now. Since we don't really know the riddle."
"No I'm saying, what if to find the gate is the riddle. Think about it."
"Hmm, you make sense, but then that'll be too easy."
Just then a high pitched voice said, "You're smart dear girls, but not smart enough."
A woman came out of the water. She looked 35-ish. She had black curly hair, tied into a ponytail, talk about modern, thought Georgia. Her skin was very pale. She was wearing a dark red frock, which should have been smeared with mud but for some reason wasn't. When she spoke it felt as Hannah's and Georgia's insides were being ripped out. "You girls are smart. But you should now that your dear friends, the one you left at the transfer are my slaves now. All of you were supposed to come together. You will be tricked. Thought Hannah. She said, "why the four of us?" Because, you need to the elements to pass through. You my dear, are like earth. You can survive anywhere. You can make anything of the earth, as you have done countless times." Hannah interrupted,
"But I— " she was stopped. "Listen first stupid girl!" Shrieked the woman. "Your dear Andrew is water. He can adjust anywhere. He tried to find a way out. He goes with the flow. Jason Miller, oh he hasn't told anyone his real name has he? Except for you?" She said looking at Georgia. "He is like the air. He gives life. He teases when he is happy and his love is enough to give life to someone. But he is also very powerful. Then at last, comes you, the high being everyone talks of." Georgia's heart contracted. She knew what was coming. "You," the woman said looking at Georgia "are like fire. With your red hair to match with. You can do anything for anyone you love. Like you are doing for your mother. You can destroy the whole universe if it is for someone you truly care. But there is a catch. If you want your friends to be free and you want to pass this forest to the gate, you'll have to figure out what I'm thinking right now. If you do, then you are free to go." She then looked at Hannah. "Oh yes my darling, you can read minds, but so can I. I know you heard what I was thinking and you heard the crucial word." Looking at Hannah's shocked face she said, "You're not the only one who can read minds. How do you think I figured out your friends' names. Go ahead, tell her what you heard Hannah. Tell her. But let me tell you, if you do, you will never see you boys again. That is one thing I promise." Hannah looked at Georgia helplessly. All Georgia said was, "you said I'm like the element fire. But I think that's where you're wrong." The woman looked stunned. "And why do you think that may I ask?" But what the woman didn't know that Georgia had somehow picked up on her thoughts and read a very important thought. "She isn't one element. Let's see if she figures it out." Georgia didn't know why the woman hadn't realised, but luckily, she didn't. The woman looked defeated, when Georgia said, "I'm not one element am I? You have to let us go either ways. You might be able to read minds ms woman, I'm sorry I don't know your real name. You might also know Hannah can read minds too. But I still am discovering my powers, what I'm capable of. I don't think even you know that, considering you seem to know everything. Therefore I will crack your question. You are thinking that whether I pass this question or not, whether I advance five days of my life or not, I still will pass through. Because I am all the elements. I can give life to the earth by my singing. I already am like fire. The way I adjusted when I found out about Hannah and Andrew, that's water, and that I am an Aquarius proves that my element is air." The woman looked stunned. It looked as if some one had stabbed her. She bowed down to Georgia and said, "the boys are yours. So is your freedom. I'm sorry. You are the Limbo Ganymean. I cannot tell you anything else. But you are, and it is of great shame that I questioned you. Your mother will tell you everything, because once she gets up, the person who finds her has the ability to ask for one wish. Yes that is the protocol of the enchanted forest, that is if someone is trapped or captured here. You may pass now." Then she seemed to remember, "oh the boys, uh, once you are done, they will automatically reach you as you call out their name. They will be in the forest only, but only when called upon will they be able to find you. Hannah looked staggered. She said, "thank you either way. We will be grateful always. Just as they passed the woman, they felt this source of air on them. Then they saw a blinding light. Eyes closed, they move forwards. When they knew that the light had grown dim, they opened their eyes. They saw a beautiful green meadow, with VIBGYOR flowers. There were yellow leaves, pink leaves, and green leaves. They had never seen a more beautiful sight. Georgia walked a few steps and just as she was about to put her foot down, she fell in a deep pit. Hannah shouted. Inside, Hannah knew this was the way, for some reason, she just knew. She followed Georgia, into the everlasting darkness. After about falling for 10 seconds, Hannah landed on Georgia. Hannah apologised. Georgia shrugged it off. They had reached a cell, where they saw there was a cage, in the middle, but no one was in there. They looked around. It was as if they were in some underground cave. They looked right. Their hearts stopped. David. He was trying to wake her up, and use that one wish to do his evil job. He took out his xifos and made the same star shaped mark he had done earlier in the vision showed to Georgia. Hannah and Georgia were properly hidden behind the rocks. They saw that he was done with the mark. Nothing happened for a few seconds. Then as David was about to throw his xifos, Selena's beautiful blue eyes opened as green, which was unfamiliar to Georgia.

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