The journey

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All four of them got ready in about an hour. They knew travelling to the Sunderbans would be difficult. But Georgia knew that in Mumbai's vicinity there was a sea. Therefore they could travel by water. The Sunderbans is present on a delta. So travelling by water was the most rational option they had. Georgia opened Jason's bag to look for her mother's necklace only to realise she had given it back to Rajasvi.  She looked at Jason. "What do we do now?"
Andrew laughed, "Its cute you think we have only one option. We can go by sea. Since Georgia, you were the one who told us that the Sunderbans were located at a delta. It must be in a coast then. Let's go and call either Jules or Damon."
Jason laughed, "Since when did you become so smart eh Andrew?"
"Well, I was always smart. You were just too preoccupied to even notice me." He smirked at Georgia. Georgia's cheeks turned bright red. Hannah said, "okay enough. We should go. Eleven days to her birthday."
"Damn it. Let's go." Said Georgia.
They went back to the place where Andrew and Hannah came from. Hannah started her mind reading again. This time Jules came.
"What is it now? I figured out your complete life for you! Your mother, friend, love life, what else do you people want?"
Then he looked at Georgia. He bowed. Georgia was astonished. She asked, "why did you bow before me?"
"Because you are the one."
"I'm the one for what?"
"My child, you are destined to do great things."
"And you know that how exactly?"
"You have the Ilona." He pronounced it as I-yo-na.
"The hell is that?"
"Look at your wrist."
"What? It's a birthmark. A weird one, but it is. And what the hell is an Ilona?"
"An Ilona is something only high beings have. I don't know exactly the kind of being you are. You are Ganymean that's for sure. But have have powers beyond our fathom. You are invincible when it comes to music though. Have you studied music?"
"Um, yeah, a year."
"Well then you know about notes. One is a full note, half note and all that."
"This Ilona, or your birthmark as you call it, is a half note. It is denoted a a round with a diagnol line from bottom left to right."
"Huh, so you're saying, music is my strength. I haven't ever sung anywhere."
"Okay. Sing a song right now. It'll become clear."
"Wait what? No!"
Jason looked at Georgia, "I know you can do it. Come on. For my sarcasm?"
Georgia laughed. Rely on Jason to make her laugh.
Andrew and Hannah gave her encouraging looks. She took a deep breath. She thought of the song 'Stand by you' and how her mother always sang it for her. Now she understood. She started singing and it was as if nothing else existed. She rose in the air, her eyes turned green. All the plants and animals around her moved, as if enjoying. The buds, which had not bloomed yet, started blooming. Eggs cracked, life was born. Jules looked at Georgia, who was still singing. "Her singing has the power to give life, if it comes from her heart." She finished her song and was brought back on her feet. She looked around her. She saw more life around her than she ever had. Jason, Andrew, and Hannah were smiling. They looked better. "Okay. I did that. Also, I heard what you said earlier, and thank you. Can we please leave? I don't want to die in eleven days. Please."
"I believe you. Let's go. Sunderbans right?" This time all four of them were allowed to ride on Jules. So it was a matter of trust thought Georgia.
"Enchanted forest." They all said that together. They laughed.
"I need to know how you guys do that."
They laughed harder. Georgia fell on Andrew. Andrew's and her hands were in each other's. Andrew looked at her and laughed even more. She kept laughing as well. But Jason's eyes were on Georgia, and then pushing all envious thoughts back down, he laughed with them.
Jules started the journey. "So, it's going to take a day from here." Looking at the shocked faces he said, "what? You think going across the country magically will reduce time, or days, or will help. Trust me, only the enchanted forest can help you now."
"Why is it enchanted? Because of the riddle?" Hannah enquired.
"No, it's enchanted because people the music there transforms people. The music there can make you feel al sorts of things. Love, anxiety, hatred, anger, happiness. That's why it's a dangerous place. Better to be left alone. But since you have Georgia, you can battle music against music. But let me tell you, you will encounter creatures unheard and unspoken of, and if Georgia, even by mistake, drinks even a drop of water of the lake of the enchanted forest, she will lose the ability to sing forever. But that water isn't just harmful to Georgia. Ace, since you are from Ganymede as well, you can be harmed too. The only one out of you four immune to the water is Hannah. She is from Tau Ceti's planet, and the water of the enchanted forest swim how came from that planet, here."

Andrew was getting pissed "What about me? Why does everyone forget me?"
Jules looked at him indignantly. He was trying to explain something. But getting interrupted by him!
Hannah looked at him. The look she gave him proved that she had heard his mind. He smirked and said,"Oh my dear boy, you will play the most important role. You will take down Evander.
"And how do you reckon I'll do that?"
"Well, you are Perseus right?" Hannah and Jules started laughing. Andrew was annoyed but smiled. Georgia and Ace had no clue about what was happening. Georgia went over to the empty space near Jason. Andrew's eyes were on them. All Georgia said was, "I'm tired. I don't think I'll get to rest, so I'm doing it now. Goodnight, for me at least." Hannah went over to Jules to talk to him about what she had heard in his mind. Andrew just said, "I want to literally look at the ocean. It's so beautiful." But the funny part was he said all this looking at Georgia. Snap out of it he said to himself. Georgia either didn't notice or pretended not to. She just lied down in the only empty space on the boat and went into the land of nod.
She dreamt that she was in a house, with her mother and David. She saw that there was a xifos sticking out of David's back pocket. David said, "let's go for dinner. It's been a long time since it was just you and I." He looked at young Georgia, who was in a crib, with absolute loathing. Selena said, "Don't say that. I love our daughter. But yeah. Let's go." Georgia wanted to scream! But no words came out of here mouth. She saw that on the way to the diner, they had to pass a very isolated and dark alley. There, he pinned Selena at the wall. Selena smiled, "What're you doing?" He came close to her as if to kiss her, but just then with his free hand he took out his xifos and made a symbol on her wrist. It cut through her skin. Blood dripped everywhere. She shrieked but David came closer to her and then ultimately she shut up. . She looked towards her hand. It was a star with 5 lines passing through it. She tried scream, but no sound came out of her throat. She also tried to push him away, but could do only so much as she was pinned against the wall. She then became unconscious and fell into his thick muscular arms, which she used to love. Now those arms could be the cause of her death.
Georgia woke up, screaming. Hannah, Ace, and Andrew came to her, worried. Hannah hugged her. Georgia started crying.
Once she had calmed down, she told them about the dream, not missing a single detail.
All Jules said was, "My dear, we mermen have the power to show visions. They also know everything. Probably, after you sang, a merman would have been born. They would have recognised the cause for his birth and showed you that vision. That wasn't a dream my child. That was part of the many truths you are unaware of. We merpeople have a certain liking for you. If this goes on, we might even be so grateful to you, we would like you so much that we would be ready to sacrifice our lives for you."
Georgia was furious! She had never wanted to kill someone as badly as now. All she said was, "I swear to the coelum, I will leave this earth only after banishing David to the infernum! That is my promise."
Hannah went to her and hugged her again. She said, "And we will be with you at your every step."
Ace laughed, "I never planned to leave your side so, don't even think of thinking that."
All Andrew said was, "Best friends don't let each other die....I think?" All of them laughed at Andrew's joke. But even though all of them seemed happy and joyous outside, they were terrified, especially Georgia. She just hoped that she had enough strength and power to deal with anything that came her way.

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