Facing Ordeals

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Her Alarm, again, woke her up at 7:05 sharp. She picked up her phone from her bedside and scrolled through her messages. She saw that she had 7 new messages. From Hannah and Celia. Celia!! Ugh! What does she think I did this time, thinks Georgia. When she opened her messages, it was something she had never expected. A party? It was scheduled tomorrow at Celia's house, at 8:00pm. But why on earth would she call her! After all, we did despise each other. I don't even know why she bothered. But then she saw it. In very small letters was written something on the image of the invitation she had sent. It said, for everyone to promote charity. Realisation dawned upon her. It was for charity. Of course everyone would be invited. How could I ever have thought that I was invited to one of "those" parties which she arranged and called all her popular friends.
Then she opened Hannah's messages. It said that she had the flu and would be missing school for a few days. Georgie loved Hannah. And recently they had become even closer than she and Andrew! She sent her a get well soon and a hundreds of heart emojis. Hannah replied instantly.
Georgie: Hannah! You had to get sick!! Whyyyy
Hannah: look sistah, I'm just so attractive that even the virus is attracted to me!
Georgie:damn it even when you're sick u can make such nice jokes❤️
Hannah:that's me!! But yeah imma go now. Don't want to transfer all the virus to my phone or next u will get it. Since u have my phone 24/7. Oh n remember to wash urs as well😂😉😉. Love ya G!
Georgie:you too Hannah! Oh btw, my dad is finally home! He got stuck in Indiana but now he's back. Cop stuff🙄
Anyway..get well soon! Attract some guys than a virus once in a while😂 jk jk..
Byee!!! Cya later!
Hannah: "oh how you make me titter!😂😂(this was the only joke no one but us will ever get!! Byee!
Georgia: Shittt! I forgot to tell u! Call me today. I need to tell you something. But you have to swear on your life not to tell anyone. If you do I'll have to kill you!
Hannah:ET HUH?
P.S. ET being extraterrestrial...
Georgie: how'd u knowwwww
Hannah:I have my ways. I'll tell u something too. Later then..😏😏
She got ready in about 30 mins, her usual, and went downstairs to eat her breakfast. Andrew was sitting on the dining table with her mother, who was the pleidian. Whatever he said yesterday was still ringing in her head. Regardless she kept a straight face and went down to her mother/pleidian casually sitting with Andrew. His look showed some of horror as well as a certain realisation; or understanding. Whatever it was, she knew she'd have a long walk to school with him.
"So uh, what was that, what? Pleidian? telling you?"
"It's just that ur mother was never with you. It was always the pleidian."
"Whattt? Okay that's bogus!"
"Whoops sorry, that's not what I meant. Actually yesterday I just reviewed the movie I made. It had this dialogue. I'm sorry it was eerily similar. Anyway, your mom was with you until she told you she loved you. Then the pleidian took over her body at that moment and she was possessed by the pleidian."
"So, you mean to say that the pley-thing is IN MY MOM'S BODY!!!??"
"uh theoretically, yes. And before you even ask, it is possible."
Georgie had just opened her mouth to ask him the exact same question but shut it instantly, embarrassed. Then she felt guilty, and then angry. She loved her mom and was not comfortable with the idea that 'something' else was in her mother's body! She faced Andrew angrily. "Tell me one thing my DEAR friend. Why the hell wouldn't you tell me all this crap before? Like this whole thing? Unless it's a prank? What..I mean..it's possible. If life is possible in places other than earth then you pranking me is as sure as heck possible."
"Yes." Seeing the shock on Georgia's face he stuttered and said, "yes tha-that's, possible, but it isn't true. I swear on my life it isn't true. I'm really sorry. I'm messed up in my head right now."
"Oh! You're messed up? My freaking life got messed up yesterday! My whole world is not the same anymore!"
"Georgia, the world is the same. You're different. Nothing else has changed except for your world, your ideas of life and your beliefs."
"Whatever Andrew. It's just that you knew all of this all along. You could've told me earlier. But you chose the time I almost got killed! Why?"
"Because I didn't want to burden you with..you know what, leave it. It seems to me that instead of asking me more, you want to have a fight. And you know what! I'm perfectly okay with it. Because I was the one always looking out for you, always trying to keep you out of trouble and when I finally told you, instead of appreciating that, you go off on a tangent and try and blame me!? Sorry Georgia I ever explained all this. I'm sorry I thought we had a connection and I'm really sorry I tried to even tell you all this when I should've known you wouldn't believe me, not one bit. I realise that now!"
"Fine then! Go! Away from me, to Celia, to the whole world who apparently is more important to you than our friendship! Oh and also, I'm really sorry I even asked you. Pretty sure this would have been some joke and you wanted to laugh your butt off at my stupidity. I'm pretty sure you would've loved to film all that right? Including the ideas you get for your movie huh?"
Andrew was astonished and hurt. He didn't realise how observant she really was. Her red hair seemed more fierce than ever, more than she ever did with her calm yet raging ocean blue eyes. She was really pretty, he thought now, never before. Shoving all these thoughts aside, he asked her, "look, I don't want to fight. Can we just talk after school? I'll come over to your house and we can talk things over. I'm sorry if I hurt you and...Uh...please, I don't know what came over me. This is becoming a regular occurrence. This 'thing' I have is something I could never tell you about as it was related to PA-99-N2."
"Fine whatever. Anyway, what the hell is that thing you said anyway?"
"Your birthplace."
"The planet I've NEVER EVEN HEARD OF IS IN ANDROMEDA GALAXY?" I mean yes I know that the galaxy exists, but I never was able to see the planets. I have a high end telescope which helps me see the most minuet detail in space. But it didn't have the capability to see the inclusions of the other galaxies."
"You know, to be honest Georgia, I'm really happy you know your stars, because of you didn't, then really would have had to explain everything to you. Your knowledge of space is so vast that more than half of what I have to tell you, you already know!"
"Uh huh. Anyway, look Andrew I'm sorry about earlier. But also I'm curious, what came over you? Why did you suddenly snap at me so bad!? I mean, yeah I've seen your anger before which has been much much worse that this. But I've never seen you so angry at me! Can you explain things to me later?"
"Sure. I'm really sorry and I will tell you, I promise!"


"Ur totes cute! You know that don't you Andrew!" Gushed Celia which was a regular occurrence. Her blonde her whipped in his face and her fingers twirled a strand of her hair. She was pretty,no doubt about that. Andrew seemed to have noticed that too. But she was two faced, which is why she wore makeup. Huh, at least one face she had was pretty. Georgie smirked just thinking all of this. But her envy overtook her remarkable roast and she started daydreaming again. She continued her day dream about Celia, and hundred different ways Celia could embarrass herself in front of the whole class. But of course! Celia was miss perfect! Even in middle school, even in 10th grade, and even now!"
Smirking, Celia came to her and said, " hey!" A surprised Georgie muttered something in audible and shrugged her off. She knew Celia was about to dish out something mean and was ready for it. Somehow she had a vision. She saw that exactly after 5 seconds Celia would say, 'today she saw me and Andrew talking a lot. She's just jealous!' Exactly after she thought of a snappy comeback for that statement,  Celia said, "Today Georgia saw me and Andrew talking. She looked so freakin' jealous!" Georgia laughed and just said, " I'm not jealous, I'm territorial."
"What's that?" Ha obviously her naive mind didn't understand it. Georgia said the same aloud. Then Georgia again said, "okay dear, let me break it down for you. Jealous is when you want something that's not yours. Territorial is protecting something what is already yours." Cheer & applause filled the class. They started hooting! They were all impressed and I was euphoric! But one thing nagged at the back of my mind. Why wasn't my vision accurate? Why had it visualised different wording of what Celia was originally going to say? Am i something else? Or is it just something I don't about? Georgia's heart was racing. She was happy and scared, anxious and excited. She didn't know what was happening to her. For a split second she got really angry. Then she cooled down, like someone had poured cold water in her hot body. What was wrong with her? Furthermore, what was happening to her and what was she in reality?


Hey everyone! I really appreciate the increase in the number of views! I would love it if you guys commented on the chapters! Positive or not, I'm sure to take them into consideration. Thank you guys! Y'all are the only reason I've come this far and I would hated it if I stopped here....THANKS!:)

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