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Mia snarled. "So, what do I owe to my one best friend. Hmm, oh how about, death!"
Mia came at Georgie, Ace came in front of her and pulled out his sword. Mia said, "ooh! So now you have another one huh? What, you keep an excel spreadsheet to keep track?" She then looked at Ace. "Why are you protecting her anyway?"
Ace's face became tomato red. But all he said was, "none of your business."
Mia snarled again, "Well well well, denying from giving me information will be costly for you."
"You do realise that if I drive my sword through your body this very moment, you are going to disintegrate pleiadian."
Just when Ace said that, it looked as is Mia was pulled upwards because something came out of her body, something that had been possessing her.
That's when she saw Max again. Georgie breathed a sigh of relief. "Max"
"Well, isn't this a lovely reunion." Max was very happy. It felt uncanny. Then he told his whole story.
"Hi Ace, you might know who I am. But I also know you. You are a very famous warrior. Every galaxy knows your name. I'm Max." Then he looked at Georgia, "As I told you, most of the stuff I said, while I was possessing your friend and your mother, was a lie. But later when I told you all that stuff, it was all true.
But the on,y thing I couldn't tell you is where your mother is. Do you people know anything about an enchanted forest in India?"
"Yes!" Georgie yelled. "I know because I was told by very majestic creatures. Yep I can be sarcastic too. Anyway, you were saying?"
"Well, in that enchanted forest, uh okay hold on. Do you know about the riddle?"
"Yep. The one which if you get wrong you will go forwards in time by five days. Yeah yeah."
"Okay, well when you reach there, you need to get that answer. If you don't, not only will you advance five days in the future, but will never be able to find your mother. Your mother lies beyond the gate where you will answer your riddle. But there will be a catch. I don't know what it is. But there will be." Then he looked up at the sky, "Oh great I need to go. But remember, beware!
With that he was pulled up into the sky. Clichè Georgia thought and rolled her eyes inwardly.
She said, "Okay, we've been warned twice now. So I say first we should go to Rajasvi and then the enchanted forest. Cool?"
Andrew sighed in relief, "Actually, my ears were desperate to listen to a legit plan. I'm so glad we have an aim now."
Ace agreed, "Ohh trust me, I'm the happiest today!"
Hannah said, "So who's ready to kick some butt!"
Silence. They all laughed and started making their way to Marine drive.

After about 2 hours of walking, talking and asking for directions, they finally reached marine drive in the evening. On the huge coast, there was just one cute little house, isolated from everyone and everything.
Hannah was ecstatic. "That's got to be her house!"
Georgie agreed. They went down to her doorstep and knocked.
No one answered. They knocked again. No one responded.
Then Andrew became the leader and opened the door. It was eerily silent. There were portraits of cats everywhere. The house was completely pink from the inside. They went to the drawing room. Looking around they thought that it was as if they had entered a young girls house, except here there were cats instead of barbies. Suddenly, someone emerged from the darkness. A man, about 40 years of age. He said, "My mistress isn't at home right now. Please come later." But there was something off about his tone. His eyes looked pleading but his words seemed forced. Hannah understood. He's a aliyen. I can see it in his eyes. She also happened to look at the infinity symbol on his neck. She took out her xifos and went next to the man. He shrieked! And then, as if he were a hologram, he disappeared into thin air. Suddenly a young woman came out of a door located near the drawing room. She said, "Dang. I don't get smart people in my house everyday. What brings you here?"
"What do you mean smart people? Who are you? Were you the one who was controlling that man?" Hannah spoke aloud the myriad of questions she had in her head.
"Patience grasshopper. I'll tell you everything. But please just sit down."
Thought hesitant, Andrew Georgia and Ace followed Hannah and the woman into the drawing room. The couches were soft and comfortable. The woman snapped her fingers and teacups appeared in each of their hands, "hope you guys drink tea." She smiled, a genuine one from the looks of it.
Ace had no patience, neither did Georgie or Andrew. Ace said, "Please, we need help and quickly. Our time is running out. If you can help us then p,ease do. We aren't here to judge your hospitalities. But we are desperate."
"Okay fine. But I'll need something in return."
Georgie was really annoyed. "Name it."
"Your mother's necklace. That's all I want."
"W-what? Why?" Georgia was shocked. She expected money, jewels, another mission or something but not her mom's necklace.
"Let me tell you everything from the beginning."
Georgie mumbled, "We've heard that before."
Rajasvi pretended you ignore that. She started, "I was very young when I realised I was a witch. But then when I did come to know, my parents changed my name from Riya to Rajasvi. It sounded more witchy to them. Then later, when I was playing in the enchanted forest which is situated West Bengal. It is called the Sunderbans. I don't know somehow I opened portals and ended up there. I was attracted to that place. Then one day, I got stuck in vines, vines I didn't know about, or had studied about. I knew I would die there, since there was no way out. But then I saw a girl, about my age, she called herself Selena. She sounded American. I knew I couldn't trust Americans so I through my necklace at her. It was sharp and I was hoping to injure her. She caught it, looked at it, and kept it, maybe because she just found it pretty. I didn't know. Then she held my hand, and pulled me out and then vanished into thin air. I didn't know what had happened. All I knew that my pendant was lost. It was a pendant of great value. This pendant generally activated when it sensed love. My mother had given it to me that's why it has sentimental value for me." Then looking at Georgia she addd, "I know it has sentimental value for you too, but your mum is still alive. Mine isn't. So please. I've told you where to find your mother. But I will tell you one more thing. When you reach there, you guys will be tricked."
Andrew lost it. "Okay lady. We've heard that so many times from so many people. It's freaking tell us who or what that trick will be."
Rajasvi just smiled. "No one knows dear boy. But I'll tell you this. The answer to the riddle lies in your heart. Think of what you most desire. If it is true, you will not face any difficulty. But if it's not true and you're not doing it from your heart, then you will be forced to stay behind. That is all."
Ace smiled, "Thank you so much. For everything. Here is the necklace." He gave it to her. All she did was open her palm. The necklace flew to her hand, as if it were some pet who had seen her master after years. Georgia trusted Rajasvi. She looked at her and said, "I'll be grateful to you forever. I'll be sure to tell my mom about you."
"Uh, you'd rather not."
"Uh, because Evander had told me to remove her memories and she knows it.

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