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That evening, Georgia reached the mall 5 minutes prior to what she and Andrew had planned over text. His texts were on repeat in her mind.

Him: Heyy!

Me: Hey!

Him: How're u?

Me: I'm in my grave. I thought you knew.

Him: Sorry? :p

Me: Seriously! I AM IN MY GRAVE! You are such an insensitive person.

Him: I am so sorry dead Georgia. But I'm a little confused. How can I see ghosts?

Me: That's because you're dead too. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.

Him: Urgh fine. Also 7?

Me: Sure!

Him: Meet you then!

Me: Yeah!

Him: Bye! dead Georgia

Me: Bye! deadly guy :p

Him: Cyu

Me: Okay Andrew i actually gtg right now :D Meet you later! Byee!

Him: Okay! Say hi to my grandparents!

Me: Will u shut up?

Him: Nope

Me: BYE Andrew.

Him: Also I'm running a bit late. I won't reach before 7:30.

Me: Urgh fine byee cya later!

She got dressed and headed towards the mall. As soon as she entered she felt relived. This was because there were very little people since it was a weekday.

She knew that he would come to the food court first since he loved food, and knew she did too. While Georgia was looking around for Andrew, she noticed a group of young men, about 8-10 years older to her staring at her. She looked away and hoped they would do the same. When she looked back at them, she noticed that their faces had the crooked smile of...well some crooks!

Regardless she continued to ignore their stare and walked towards the end of the food court.

While walking she bumped into someone and fell down. She was about to shout at the person's clumsiness before she saw who it was.

"Andrew?! I thought you were running late!" Georgia looked at the time and saw that it was just 7:05.

"Hey! Ah no. My mom finished my errands." said Andrew sheepishly.

Georgia wasn't convinced. Regardless she said,"No problem! I'm glad you're here!"

Andrew replied looking oddly relieved, "Yeah...let's go eat!"

"Sure thing!"
Georgia knew something was off. She knew she had to be wary. She walked behind Andrew who was heading towards the food court, limping. That's when she realised, Andrew didn't limp. She knew something was up. But then she thought maybe he got hurt at home or something. She didn't know.

She thought it was better to ask. " Hey Andrew?" Andrew looked back, eyebrows raised. "How did you get that limp?"

Andrew looked tense. He stammered and answered, "Oh this? This. Uh.. I got it a few days back. Funny you didn't notice."

Georgia now knew. He was lying. She knew not because she had an excellent memory, but because 2 days back, they had gone to play football together and Andrew was running just fine.

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