Chapter 67

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"It is time," said Maul into his comlink.

"Yes my lord," said The Armorer.

She piloted Abam towards Sundari as Mal'dar watched the scanners, nothing yet.

The scanner beeped and Mal'dar cursed as several dots appeared on it. "We have incoming," he said.

The Armorer flew up to just over Sundari. She pressed down the communicator and spoke to Maul, "Lord Maul we have leave immediately".

Mal'dar ran to the back of the ship and activated the ramp, "I'll get him". Mal'dar stood on the ramp his grey armor shining in the starlight. He looked down and saw Maul and a Jedi quickly exchanging blows.

Maul sliced the beam they were fighting on and leapt to the other side as the Jedi swayed wildly. Maul slashed at the Jedi who grabbed Maul's lightsaber and flipped him over her shoulder and off of the beam. She held out her hand and Maul floated in the air.

Mal'dar reached to activate his jetpack when he saw gunships flying towards Maul. Mal'dar punched the button to close the ramp and ran to the cockpit, "Get us out of here!"

The Armorer brought the engine to pull power and they jetted forward. Mal'dar got into the co-pilot's seat The Armorer looked at him, "So Mandalore has fallen".

Mal'dar nodded, "Let's get to Concordia, we'll pick up mother and Khura".

"Then?" asked The Armorer.

Mal'dar looked at The Armorer, "Then I take care of my daughter".

The Armorer nodded, "Good".

They landed on Concordia outside of Sarna's house and Mal'dar walked in. Sarna was watching Khura was crawling on the floor, "We have to go," said Mal'dar franticly.

"Why?" asked Sarna.

"The Republic has capture Mandalore," said Mal'dar.

"Then you must go," said Sarna scooping up Khura. She began to pack up Khura's things and Mal'dar looked at his mother numbly.

"You aren't coming?" he asked.

Sarna shook her head, "My place is here, but things will calm down soon. If you need me, I will be here".

Mal'dar nodded, "Ok".

Sarna carried Khura to Abam and Mal'dar picked up her things.

Abam landed on Lythor and The Armorer walked off. Mal'dar stood at the top of the ramp, Khura in his arms, and watched her go. "Vor Entye," he said. Thank you.

The Armorer froze for a moment then she continued on her way.

Mal'dar turned and pressed the button to close the ramp which slowly began to ascend.

The Armorer turned and looked back at him, "Mal'dar," she said.

Mal'dar turned to her and pressed a button to stop the ramp, "Yes?"

The Armorer looked at him, "Rimi chose well, you shall be a good father". Then she turned and walked away.

Mal'dar watched as she left and he cleared his throat, which had developed a large lump. "She was raised well," said Mal'dar to empty air.

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