Chapter 8

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    The objects all across the room floated, including the person in the middle of the room, the tween Sshitivian. He heard the distinctive sound of a lightsaber igniting and all the items were set on the ground.

    Tyvral opened his eyes and saw the black Twi’lek standing in front of him a blue training lightsaber in his hand and a wide smile on his face. He threw another training lightsaber to Tyvral who force pulled it to him.

    “Ready to get back at me because I won last time Dev?” asked Tyvral.

    The black Twi’lek scoffed, “You mean when tapped me on a cheap shot, I remember getting you after that”. He took his stance.

    “Well, Shargo said that you trained with Master Windu when it came to using a lightsaber. I think it’s more him than you,” said Tyvral taking his stance.

    “Why are you-JEALOUS?” asked Dev lunging forward mid-sentence. His blade battered against Tyvral’s defenses. Tyvral desperately blocked the attack which came to quick to allow for a counter. 

    Tyvral force pushed Dev who flew into a wall. Tev popped up instantly and twirled his lightsaber in his hand. Dev gave him an evil grin, “So you want to play dirty huh?” Tev ran at Tyvral, twirled in the air, and threw his lightsaber as he landed on the ground.

    Tyvral rolled desperately out of the way as the training saber struck the wall behind him and shut off.

    Dev force pulled it back to him and charged Tyvral, calling out the sequence of his attacks. “Overoverleftoverstabrightunderleftoverleftrightunderover”.

    Tyvral blocked the barrage of attacks, his feet, and saber in constant motion.

    “OVER,” barked Dev swinging at Tyvral with an overhead slash.

    Tyvral held up his lightsaber with both hands blocking the attack. The strength behind it nearly caused him to drop his lightsaber. They stared at each other through the locked blades both baring their teeth as they pushed against one another.

    Dev smiled and deactivated his lightsaber and crouched to the ground. Tyvral had been pushing up against Dev’s lightsaber and his arms shot up as the resistance vanished. Dev aimed the handle at Tyvral’s exposed chest, activating his lightsaber. The blade leapt forward and struck Tyvral’s chest, electricity shooting from the training blade. Tyvral slammed to ground groaning in pain, a scorch mark on his robes.

    “When did you learn that?” groaned Tyvral.

    “A while ago,” said Dev.

    The door to the training room opened and the massive figure of Shargo stepped inside.

    “Master,” said Dev with a bow of his head.

    “You are a knight now, there is no need for you to call me master,” said Shargo.

    “I will though,” said Dev with a sly smile.

    “I don’t have to call him master do I?” said Tyvral rising with a groan and punching Dev in the shoulder.

    “Of course you do,” said Dev with a deadpan face.

    “No you do not,” said Shargo casting a quick glare at his former apprentice.

    Dev winced at that, “Well I can take a cue. See you two later” He left the training room and went off into the temple.

    “So what’s today’s lesson?” asked Tyvral looking up at the massive figure in front of him.

    Shargo gave an almost imperceivable smirk, “I am rather large, correct?”

    Tyvral shifted in place unsure of how to answer, “I suppose so”.

    Shargo smiled down at his apprentice, “Lying is dangerous. For if you lose the truth then may lose the force”.

    “Yes, master,” said Tyvral with a bow of his head that transformed into an ashamed look at his feet.

    “Do not fret,” reassured Shargo. “Now I am rather large yes”.

    “Yes master,” said Tyvral looking master in the eye.

    “So this should be quite simple,” said Shargo. He waved his hand and a blindfold wrapped itself around Tyvral’s eyes. “Find me”.

    Tyvral lunged at where his master had been but he only grabbed empty air. He rose unsteadily and began sniffing the air.

    “Your nose shall not help you,” said Shargo.

    Tyvral ran to where the voice came from and hugged at the spot. His arms hugged his chest and he kicked the floor annoyed.

    “Nor your ears,” said Shargo.

    Tyvral launched himself at the spot where the voice came from and landed on 
the ground with a thud. “Point taken,” he muttered. Tyvral breathed deeply and he sensed all around him. He sensed a familiar presence. He walked towards it a hand outstretched. He felt nothing but the force coming in that direction. His hand was in a mass of fabric and his blindfold fell off.  Shargo stood in front of him, Tyvral’s hand clutching a fistful of fabric from Shargo’s robe.

    “Very good apprentice,” said Shargo with a proud smile.

    The door to the training room opened again and the small figure of Master Yoda stood in the doorway.

    “Master Yoda,” said Shargo and Tyvral both bowing in his direction.

    Yoda bowed his hand at the pair, “Come apprentice we must be going. Very busy you will be”.

    Tyvral gave both masters confused looks, “Where am I going?”

    Shargo gave his apprentice a proud smile, “You and your other apprentices are going to Ilum”.

    Tyvral’s eyes widened in surprise and he jumped in the air with joy, “I’m getting a lightsaber!” he shouted. He exclaimed in joy.

    Both Jedi Masters chuckled at him. “So precious the young are,” said Yoda.

    “And tiring,” said Shargo.

    But Tyvral paid no mind to either of them. “I’m getting a lightsaber!”

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