Chapter 20

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    WARNING: POV is extremely fluid in this scene.

Tyvral let out a massive force push and the Mandalorian was sent spinning through the air. 

Mal’dar hit the ground and tumbled for several feet. Mal’dar rose back up and his eyes flitted from his pistols which lay on the ground to the Jedi.

The spider droid aimed its deadly nose at Kart whose eyes widened under his helmet. He lunged to the side and the spot where he had just been was now occupied with a small crater. Kart fired a flurry of blast at the spider droid, most hit it’s hard metal shell, but several struck its large red eyes. The spider droid fell to the ground with a clang and Kart saw Tyvral and the Mandalorian battling. He sprinted towards the fight blasting droids as he ran past them. 

Tyvral dashed at The Mandalorian lightsabers swinging wildly as he did. Mal’dar looked at his pistols then his gauntlet.
Tyvral was quickly closing the ground between them he raised his lightsabers as The Mandalorian pressed a button on his gauntlet.
Mal’dar felt the heat traveling along the tube and flames erupted from the nozzle, and the flames raced towards the Jedi.
Tyvral’s senses screamed danger and his eyes widened in fear. Then suddenly there was a blinding white light from The Mandalorian’s gauntlet, and Tyvral instinctively threw up his hands and closed his eyes, the only sounds he could hear was the racing of his heart and roar of flames.
Everything moved in slow motion as the flames jetted towards Tyvral. There was no sound other than his breathing as Kart sprinted towards the pair. He dove forward and tackled Tyvral while the flames licked at his back. 
Kart landed on Tyvral groaning in pain as The Mandalorian looked down at the pair. 

Mal’dar was surprised but he had had a golden opportunity. The Jedi was pinned, so he began rapidly tapping another button on his gauntlet and blast began bursting from the gauntlet. 

Tyvral blocked the blast with one of his lightsabers but they kept coming.

You can’t keep this up forever, thought Mal’dar as he sent more and more blast towards the pair.

Then a high pitched squeal rang out and everyone bent over covering their ears. They all looked at the source of the sound as saw the communications tower only having a thread left and swaying wildly. Shargo gave a final shove and sliced through the base of the communications tower. The tower began to fall towards the ground and they all watched in fear and awe as it came ever closer. Shargo lifted his hands and the tower’s descent slowed. Shargo’s hands moved through the air as if they were underwater and the tower, which was only several feet above the ground, mirrored his movement. The tower began plowing through the remaining droids.

“I hate Jedi,” said a B1 battle before the tower knocked his head off.

The tower fell to the ground and Shargo to his knees.

The few remaining droids looked from one another to the clones which surrounded them. “Why do we even bother?” aired a B1 battle droid.

“TARGET PRACTICE BOYS!” roared Knock-Knock and the clones all opened fire.

Mal’dar eyes went over the clones who had now taken aim at him. He slowly raised his hands, “I’m sure we can come to an agreement”. He pressed a button on his gauntlet and the squeals of vultures droids filled the air.

“Incoming,” roared Knock-Knock.

The clones began firing up at the incoming vulture droids and Mal’dar activated his jetpack flying back towards the complex.

“Take cover!” roared Knock-Knock as the vulture droids were on the verge of crashing into the ground.

Green lasers flew through the air and the vulture droids blew up. Three gunships landed and opened their doors. Behind the doors of the first one was a smiling Twi’lek, “Need a lift?”

The clones began to get onto the ships, while Dev helped Shargo onto the ship. “Where is Tyvral?” panted Shargo.

Dev set his master down the ship, which then sank several inches towards the ground, and scanned the battlefield. He saw two figures among the twisted metal and smoke. “MAW!” shouted Dev. Maw’s attention snapped to his general and he saw where Dev was running. Maw ran alongside him.

Tyvral sat on the air tear slowly trickling down his face. In his arm was Commander Kart, a large black splotch on his back that was still warm to the touch. “It’s all my fault,” cried Tyvral, “It’s all my fault”.

Maw bent his head down over Kart’s chest, “He’s alive”.

“It’s all my fault,” said Tyvral.

Maw waved for another trooper who ran over. Maw picked up Kart by his shoulders whilst the trooper carried his feet.

Dev pulled up Tyvral who stared at him through glassy eyes. “It’s all my fault,” he said.

“We’ve gotta go,” said Dev.

“It’s all my fault,” said Tyvral.

Dev scooped up Tyvral’s lightsabers which lay in the dirt and shoved them in his hands. “It wasn’t your fault, now we there are several battalions of droids at that complex which are probably on their way. So tell them about how it’s your fault or come on and tell Kart”.

Tyvral clutched his lightsabers and nodded. Tev nodded back.

The pair sprinted back and leapt on the gunship.

“We better not cut it this close every time, I already age fast so I don’t need grey hair any faster,” said Zip as the blast doors shut. The gunships took off and headed back towards the main ship.

The landed and Admiral Sato looked down at the clone naval officers. “Take us back to neutral space!”

“Yes, sir,” a navigation officer.

The ship turned and escaped into hyperspace as the landing craft crashed on the planet below.

The next chapter will (probably) be soon, I hope that you liked this one. Remember that comments, especially criticism, and votes are very welcome. 

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