Chapter 54

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Obi-Wan nodded to a medical droid who floated beside Mal’dar. It reached out and clasped the bottom of Mal’dar helmet. It began to lift off and Obi-Wan yelled, “Wait”.
Tyvral and the droid looked sharply at Obi-Wan, “What we already took off gauntlets and took his weapons, he’s restrained, so are we missing anything?”
Obi-Wan stroked his beard, “Some Mandalorians follow a more extreme version of the religion, if he’s one of them and we take off his helmet then he would kill himself. Leave it on,” he ordered the droid.
“Yes sir,” said the droid lifting the helmet ever so slightly before pushing a needle into Mal’dar neck. The droid pushed down the plunger on the needle and the blue liquid shot into Mal’dar.
Mal’dar jerked suddenly and looked around rapidly. He jerked his arms the steel restraints clanging as he did. “Where am I?”

“You are in the republic prison,” stated Obi-Wan.
Mal’dar looked at them, “For how long?”
“You are currently looking at life, though perhaps accommodations or even a lesser sentence could be provided if you cooperate,” said Obi-Wan.
“No,” said Mal’dar.
Obi-Wan sighed, “We have other ways to make you talk”.
Mal’dar didn’t flinch his gaze locked on Obi-Wan, “Pain is fine”.
Tyvral held out his hand and one of his lightsabers flew to his hand, he activated it the blade tinting the room blue, “He cut off the Mandalorian’s legs because he wouldn’t talk, maybe we should do the same”.
“Pain is fine,” repeated Mal’dar.
Obi-Wan shot out his hand and Tyvral’s lightsaber flew into his hand, “Control your anger”.
Tyvral muttered his breath as Obi-Wan returned his attention to Mal’dar. “We know that you murdered Qaath Kannak and stole his lightsaber, I presume this was for the separatist bounty on Jedi”.
Mal’dar didn’t speak.
“You obviously work for Death Watch, and if you tell us the location of their base then we treat them well and accommodate you,” said Obi-Wan.
Mal’dar stayed silent.
“Who is Rimi?” asked Tyvral.
Mal’dar’s head snapped towards him, “Quiet boy”.
Obi-Wan closed his eyes and waved his hand at Mal’dar, “You will tell us where the Death Watch base is”.
Mal’dar swayed to Obi-Wan’s hand, “The Death Watch base is”, Mal’dar twitched wildly and shook his head, “NO!”
Obi-Wan raised his hand, “You will tell us where the Death Watch base is!”
Mal’dar trembled, “I will, I will, I will NOT!” he roared shaking himself. He panted with exertion doubling over in his chair.
“Maybe if we both do it?” recommend Mal’dar.
Obi-Wan stroked his beard, “Perhaps, I’ve done it before but their mind nearly broke”.
Tyvral shrugged, “He won’t talk otherwise”.
Obi-Wan looked at Mal’dar, “I think I know another way”.
Mal’dar glared at him, “Go burn!”
Obi-Wan looked at Mal’dar, “Answer our questions or I will remove your helmet”.
Mal’dar stiffened and looked at Obi-Wan slowly, “You would ask to honor one oath by violating another”.
“Yes,” said Tyvral.
Mal’dar sighed, “I will answer of questions that do not endanger Death Watch or my tribe”.
“It’s a start,” said Obi-Wan pulling out the chair on the other end of the table with the force. He sat down and looked at Mal’dar, “Why did you kill Qaath Kannak?”
“I was ordered to acquire money for Death Watch so I killed him for his bounty,” said Mal’dar calmly.
“Why were you acquiring money?” asked Obi-Wan.
“We needed to purchase fuel,” said Mal’dar.
“Who ordered you?” asked Obi-Wan.
“Pre Vizsla,” stated Mal’dar.
“Where is he?” asked Obi-Wan.
“The Death Watch camp,” said Mal’dar.
“Where’s that!” exclaimed Tyvral.
“I cannot answer that,” said Mal’dar flatly.
Tyvral growled deep in his throat, his frustration rising.
Obi-Wan folded his hands and set them on the table, “What is your name?”
Tyvral leaned forward intrigued.
“Mal’dar Kryze,” said Mal’dar.
Obi-Wan flinched, “You’re related to Satine?!”
Mal’dar cocked his head at Obi-Wan, “You’re familiar with The Duchess?”
Tyvral also cocked his head at Obi-Wan who averted their gazes, instead opting to look at the floor. Obi-Wan cleared his throat, “We have met”.
Mal’dar kept his gaze on Obi-Wan who cleared his throat again and returned his gaze to Mal’dar, “How are you related to Satine?”
“First cousin,” said Mal’dar.
Obi-Wan stroke his beard for several seconds, his mind far away. Tyvral narrowed his eyes at the Jedi master, something was up with him.
“Why did you kill the ambassador?” asked Tyvral.
“I was ordered,” said Mal’dar.
Tyvral threw his arms up in exasperation, “Wow you’re a regular thinker”.
“Were you ordered by Pre Vizsla?” asked Obi-Wan.
“Yes,” said Mal’dar.
“Why?” asked Tyvral.
“To make The Duchess fear us,” said Mal’dar.
Obi-Wan sighed, “You believe that peace is weak, you are wrong”.
Mal’dar’s gaze locked onto Obi-Wan, “No I am not, because I do not believe that peace is weak”.
Obi-Wan and Tyvral looked at Mal’dar incredulously, “Then why join Death Watch?”

    “I didn’t,” said Mal’dar annoyance slipping into his voice.

    Obi-Wan and Tyvral exchanged a glance, they were onto something. “Then what is your story?” asked Obi-Wan.

    “Why would you want to know that?” asked Mal’dar.

    Obi-Wan opened his mouth to speak when his eyes flew open, Tyvral’s eyes quickly followed suit and he activated his com, “Kart what’s going on?”

    “Nothing sir, everything is-wait we have a rapidly approaching ship, it’s headed straight for us!”

    The alarm began to blare, the sound echoing in the cell.

    “INCOMING!” roared Kart over the coms.
    Then the wall exploded.

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