Chapter 41

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    Tyvral walked through the arcing halls of the Jedi temple. It had been just under a week since Hondo had rescued them from Grievous. The door opened in front of him and the white lights of the infirmary shone down on him. He squinted slightly and looked on the table.

    Dev smiled at him, “Hey kid”. A medical droid floated by Dev’s side and was lightly zapping the Twi’lek’s cybernetic arm.

    Tyvral examined the skeletal looking arm, “Not getting a real looking one?”

    Dev shrugged, “No, I wanna show my battle scars”.

    Tyvral shrugged, “Just makes you look like you don’t know which button to press on a lightsaber”.

    Dev gasped in mock horror, “That’s no way to talk to war hero”.

    “That’s one word for it,” chuckled Tyvral.

    “Actually two,” said Dev matter of factly.

    Tyvral rolled his eyes, “Hey at least you can count how many arms you had, think you can Grievous’s?”

    Dev gave Tyvral an exasperated look, “Don’t you have a meeting with Master Yoda?”

    Tyvral chuckled, “Yeah, well I’ll be back soon”.

    Dev laid back on the table, “Take your time”.


    Tyvral quickly reach Master Yoda’s chambers and knocked on the door.

    “Come in,” said Yoda.

    Tyvral opened the door and walked in. Master Yoda sat on one of the stools his legs crossed, Tyvral joined him sitting on the opposite ones. “You wished to speak to me master”.

    “Yes, a mission I have for you,” said Yoda.

    Tyvral perked up, “A mission master?”

    Yoda nodded, “Yes but other matters to discuss we have”.

    “Other matters?” inquired Tyvral.

    Yoda nodded, “Yes, strong with the force you have become, about the dark side has your master told you?”

    Tyvral pursed his lips, “My master has told me it’s when you use emotions to tap into the force.  Specifically anger,” added Tyvral hurriedly.

    “True this is,” said Master Yoda, “The dark side have you ever used?”

    Tyvral couldn’t meet Master Yoda’s eyes, “I think I did when we opened the hangar doors”.

    “Why did you?” asked Yoda.

    “I was scared that we would all die if I didn’t open those doors,” said Tyvral hanging his head.

    “Hmm,” hummed Yoda a clawed finger curling under his lip, “Natural to feel, fear is. Remember you must that to die is to become part of the living force. Fear this you should not”.

    “I shall try,” said Tyvral bowing his head then he bit his tongue hearing the words in his mind before Master Yoda could say them.

    “Do or do not, there is no try,” said Yoda.

    “I know,” said Tyvral softly, “You spoke of a mission?”

    “Indeed,” said Yoda, “Targeting a senator a great of extremist may be”.

    “Who?” asked Tyvral.

    “Senator Orn Free Taa,” answered Yoda.

    Tyvral looked at him, “Who is that?”

    “Speak with senate guards, tell you details they will,” said Yoda dodging the question.

    “Yes master,” said Tyvral his eyes narrowing at Yoda.

    “Your job’s simple,” said the senate guard, “Stay with the senator until we can track down the extremist shouldn’t take to long”.

    “When do I start?” asked Tyvral.

    “The senator is outside,” said the senate guard.

    Tyvral walked outside, and a massive, blue Twi’lek immediately greeted him, “Hello my friend! You look very down, we must get you some food!”

    A droid began to walk towards them a tray of food in his hands, “I’m fine thank you,” said Tyvral avoiding looking at the senator who appeared as if part of his face was melted. Tyvral didn’t know a lot about Twi’leks but he knew that black ones like Dev were rare, and they were not supposed to look like this.

    “More for me!” exclaimed Orn Free Taa grabbing the tray.

Author's Note: Well up next will Mal'dar and I think that we're nearing the end of 21 BBY. As always comment or DM any thoughts or ideas. Vote if you think the chapter deserves it. Anyways, Antihero out!

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