Chapter 4

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    The treaty had been drawn up by the Sshitivians. It was fair and straightforward and Shargo signed it with the council’s approval. The Sshitivians did want to inspect the temple for weapons though which Shargo agreed to. So Shargo and several Sshitivians were on the Republic Cruiser and headed to Uvena Three.

    They landed on the outcrop which was the entrance to the Jedi temple. As Shargo was getting ready to join everyone else outside when he sensed a presence still on the ship. Shargo walked over to the small supply closet and opened it with the force. Inside of the closet were three sshitivians, a female one holding a familiar-looking toddler.

    “Hello again little one,” said Shargo.

    The other Sshitivian that was in the closet was a male sshitivian who was regarding the massive figure of Shargo cautiously. “Are you the Jedi?” he asked.

    Shargo nodded sagely. “Yes, I am”.

    “Is my son one of you?” he asked.

    Shargo pondered the question opened his mouth to answer then closed it again. He considered the three figures in front of him and then said, “Let us find out”. He began to walk away, gesturing for them to follow him. They cautiously followed him the parents of the boy standing on both sides of the boy, each holding one of his hands.

    Shargo led them to the front of the temple. The temple was a towering structure with no apparent entrance. Just perfectly smooth stone outline by an archway, which was guarded by two towering Jedi carvings. Shargo craned his neck looking up at the hooded figures which held their stone lightsabers stoically. Shargo’s crest turned a bright green as he looked up at them.

    “How do we get inside?” snarled Tynar.

    Shargo didn’t respond. Instead, he placed his palm on the stone and focused. “This is the door”.

    “Then open it,” snarled Tynar.

    “Tyvral come here please,” said Shargo without moving.

    The boy’s parents nodded at each and gestured for the boy to walk forward. He did peering up at Shargo.

Shargo knelt down in front of the boy and still towered over him. Shargo gave the boy a smile, his crest having shades of yellow in it. “Touch the rock and imagine it opening,” he said.

    Tyvral walked up to the stone placed his palm against the rock. He knitted his brow and he focused.

    Shargo stood up and joined Tyvral, focusing on the stone opening. 

    There was a crack and the stone began making a static-like sound as it opened right down the middle. The two halves swung inside like double doors, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

    Shargo waved his hand and the dust dissipated. He drew his lightsaber and ignited it, it’s massive green blade filling the room with a green light.

    “Search it,” said Tynar.

    Several Sshitivians ran into the temple searching for any sign of weapons.

    Tyvral’s father and mother looked up at Shargo. “Our son belongs with you,” said Tyvral’s mother.

    “I will train him to be of my knowledge,” said Shargo with a bow.

    “When do you leave?” asked Tyvral’s father.

    “Tomorrow,” replied Shargo.

    Tyvral’s parents nodded solemnly.

    “But due to some mechanical errors, I think my departure will be set back a few days,” said Shargo.

    Tyvral’s parents hugged Shargo and then went off to begin saying farewell to their son.

A few days later…

    Shargo sat meditating by the ramp of the ship. Footsteps approached and Shargo opened his eyes. Standing in front of him was Tyvral a small pack on his back. Shargo’s crest turned yellow at the sight of the young Sshitivian. “Hello again young one, shall we go”.

    Tyvral walked on to the Republic Crusier Shargo a few steps behind him.

    “Great now we have a passenger,” said the duros his fist-sized red eyes appraising Tyvral.

    “Then deliver us to Coruscant,” said Shargo.

    The duros muttered under his breath and started the ship. They took off and Tynar ran to the front to watch.

    “Stop being such a grouch,” snapped the human woman.

    “What the droid ran over my foot,” said the duros pointing at X9.

    X9 chuckled and rocked in place.

    “Setting course for Coruscant,” said the woman as they entered open space.

    “And we’re off,” said the duros pulling the lever and they shot off into hyperspace.

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