Chapter 48

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“I this new armor,” said Kart. He twisted repeatedly, “Damn sure beats those body shells”. He put on his helmet.
“Not too bad,” said Tyvral who sat cross-legged on the floor a candle in front of him. He kept waving his hand from side to side, the flame mirroring his movement.  
“Training, that is good,” said Maw.
Tyvral glanced at Maw who’s armor was already painted almost completely black. “You’re still creepy”.
Maw took off his helmet and looked at Tyvral with a unblinking gaze.
The doors opened and Dev walked in, “We got a mission, it’s urgent”.
The ship’s alarm began to blare and Maw put his helmet back on, “What’s the mission?”
Kart put his still unpainted helmet on, his visor was a bit crooked.
Tyvral closed his hand and the flame of candle went out. He sped walk to catch up to others wincing slightly as he did. Pieces of several of his bones had been replaced with cybernetics which wasn’t very comfortable.
“Rescue mission, the 212th are on Nesant, and they’re taking heavy losses,” said Dev as they walked towards the bridge.

    “That’s General Kenobi’s army right,” said Tyvral.

    Dev nodded, “Yeah, great Jedi”.
They reached the bridge where Shargo and Admiral Sato looked at the holotable. 

“So do we have a plan?” asked Tyvral.

Shargo nodded, “Yes, however, you will not be participating in it”.

Tyvral flinched as if he were struck, “What!”

“You are still injured,” rumbled Shargo.

“I’ve been cleared for combat,” growled Tyvral.

Red began to creep into Shargo’s crest and Tyvral stumbled backwards. “You are not a soldier, you are a padawan and you are staying behind”.

Master and padawan locked eyes neither breaking the other’s gaze.

“Go to your quarters and stay there for the day,” rumbled Shargo.

“Fine!” snapped Tyvral and he walked away.

They stood in silence for several seconds until Shargo cleared his throat, “So where were we?”

Tyvral stormed through the ship, “I can handle myself, I can lead troops, what’s the problem!” He looked around and realized what junction he was at. Clone pilots walked past him as they walked towards the hanger to inspect their ships before the battle. Tyvral recognized one of the pilots and grinned, “Hey, Zip need a hand?”

“Sure, can’t hurt,” said Zip with a shrug.

The pair began to inspect the Charger-C70 for anything that needed to be worked on before he mission. Tyvral secured a loose sparkplug, before slowly lifting up a ceiling tile with force. He glanced over at Zip who was checking the controls.

“They need me on the bridge, I’ll be back soon,” said Tyvral.

“Your fine kid,” said Zip looking at Tyvral briefly before turning back to controls, “Thanks for the help”.

“Anytime,” said Tyvral and he jumped straight up and into the crawlspace. He slowly put back the ceiling tile and waited.

After some time had passed Shargo and Captain Kart came on the ship.

“Are we ready?” asked Shargo.

“Yes sir,” said one of the clones, sounded like Zip.

More footsteps, “All right let’s get this party started!” roared a clone voice, Knock Knock.
“Knock Knock calm down, we don’t even leave until after the fighters do,” said a clone.
“Well I’m a fighter,” said Knock Knock indigently.
Tyvral threw his hand over his mouth to stop the laughter from escaping, it was a nice diversion from the stuffiness of the crawlspace.
“All right boys, buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride,” said Zip and the ship shook as the engines activated.
The ship soared into space and Tyvral dug his claws into the wall to keep his grip. The ship banked and turned wildly. Tyvral gritted his teeth trying to stay put. The ship rocked wildly from a blast and Tyvral tumbled through the crawlspace.
“What was that!” shouted a clone.
Suddenly something grabbed him and Tyvral was pulled out of the crawlspace and smacked against the floor. He looked up and saw a circle of clones and Shargo who looked very displeased. “Hello master,” he said grinning bashfully.
“Sergeant turn the ship around,” said Shargo turning away from Tyvral.
“No can do sir,” said Zip, “We have too many vultures droids on our tail to do that. Though I would put your seatbelt on Commander, it’s gonna be a rough landing”.

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