Chapter 22

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    The air was filled with the soft beeping of the heart monitor, the whirling of the medical droids, and the hubbub of chatter. Tyvral sat in a metal chair which shone brightly under the bright white lights of the medical suite. Many clones laid on the beds, most had been hurt by explosions, whilst a few had been clipped by a blaster bolt. Tyvral’s clawed hand held the hand of Commander Kart who laid unconscious. 

    “I’m so sorry Commander,” said Tyvral hanging his head.

    The door to the medical suite opened and a clone walked over to Tyvral. “Uh, sir?”

    Tyvral looked up the clone, “Yes trooper?”

    “The General sent for you, sir, he said you should report to the training room at once,” said the clone.

    Tyvral nodded to himself, “Which one, and where?”

    “Well uh both I suppose, General Gal gave the order but General Devro was there as well, so was another two Jedi,” said the trooper.

    “Two other Jedi,” muttered Tyvral under his breath. He stood up when a raspy voice came from the bed. “Hey kid,” rasped Kart.

    “Commander!” exclaimed Tyvral looking over the Commander.

    “Nice to see you kid,” rasped Kart a smirk on his face.

    Tears welled up in Tyvral’s eyes, “Why did you jump in front of the flamethrower?”

    Kart chuckled, “Just habit I suppose, do you know how I got the name Kart?”

    Tyvral sat back down, “No I don’t”.

    Kart chuckled again before coughing. Once the cough passed the smirk returned to his face, “It was the first combat drill, and I was happy as could be. Soon as the command was given I broke formation and dashed straight towards the first droid I saw. Still hold the record for most times shot and quickest out far as I know,” chuckled Kart.

    “That’s horrible, but how does your name come in?” Tyvral asked.

    “Because the bounty hunter just shouted over the intercom: somebody cart this mess out of here. I spent a few days in the infirmary but I hadn’t been wounded since. Ah well it was worth it,” said Kart.

    “I got beat, we blew it. And how was spending a few days in infirmary worth it?” asked Tyvral.

    Kart chuckled, “It taught me to slow down and watch things, that’s why I’m so good at strategy. Finished third among my command class,” he said proudly.

    Tyvral shook his head, “Who finished first?”

    Kart chuckled, “Commander Bacara finished first, and Commander Cody finished second”.

    “Huh, never heard of them,” said Tyvral.

    “They may be dead for all I know,” he said with a shrug, “Though I do know that you need to get to the general, so get going and I’ll see you soon,” he said holding up his hand.

    Tyvral clasped it and Kart nodded to him. Kart let go of his hand shifted in the cot, “Now get going kid, a soldier should always be on time”.

    “I’ll see you soon Commander,” said Tyvral and he walked out.

    Tyvral arrived at the training room of the star destroyer. It was barren with the exception of three figures who stood in the center. Shargo, Dev, Master Windu, and forth figure that seemed vaguely familiar.

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