Chapter 29

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    Tyvral rolled along the ground, each rock stabbing in him as the cave collapsed and rock rained down. Droids ran up to him, completely encircling him. “Give up Jedi,” said a B1.
Tyvral force pulled his lightsabers to his hands and activated them.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have gotten so close,” said one of the battle droids.
Tyvral spun and his lightsaber sliced through the battle droids. He hopped to his feet and looked around. There was still dozen of droids. Tyvral slumped and as he looked at them.
“FIRE!” yelled the super battle droid who had fired the missile.
The droids began firing as Tyvral desperately blocked the incoming. A blaster clipped his shoulder and he stumbled back. He blocked more of the blast until another go past his guard striking his knee. 
“HEY CLANKERS!” yelled Kart and they all looked at him. He touched together two wires and the ship cannon fired. The ground exploded from the cannon and Tyvral spun through the air again, this time alongside droid parts instead of rocks. He landed on the ground and groaned. Tyvral looked up and down the barrel of a separatist blaster, “Oh come on”.
There was a blast and the droid’s head flew off as its body hit the ground with a clank.
Kart ran over to Tyvral and held out his hand, “You ok?”
“Sure, sure just give me five more minutes,” said Tyvral as he clasped Kart’s hand. He rose to his feet with Kart’s help and looked at the clone, “Thanks, I think”.
Kart pointed into the distance, “Don’t thank me yet”.
Tyvral looked to where the commander pointed and saw dozens of more droids marching towards them. “How many are there?!”
“I think that’s about three-fourths of a battalion, so three times as many,” said Kart.
Tyvral sagged as the rain kept coming down. “Well nice knowing you”.
Kart elbowed him, “Come on how about a little optimism”.
Tyvral cast him a long look, “We’ll take some with us”.
“There you go,” said Kart and he started walking towards the ship which was missing the entire front of the ship.
“Where are you going?” asked Tyvral.
“There are two ways on here, better than standing in the open getting wet,” said Kart.

    The two lined up back to back as the footsteps of battle droids began to be heard over the falling rain. Tyvral jumped as ran suddenly slid off a wing, fell down a crack in the roof, and onto him. “That kind of day,” he muttered.
The marching grew thunderous as the droids came closer. The sky flashed and thunder roared as the droids were nearly there. The first droid came on Kart’s side of the ship and he immediately blasted it. Then they began to come in two at a time on each side. 

Kart blasted one and missed the second. It missed him and he swayed to the side the blaster bolt hitting the way. Kart slapped the droid’s blaster out of its hand before blasting it and immediately blasting another, and the rain came down.

Tyvral stabbed his two and pulled his lightsabers out. Then he found himself looking up at a super battle droid. The super slapped him and Tyvral tumbled on the ground his lightsabers flying out of his hands. The super battle droid aimed both arms at him. Tyvral force pushed it up with on hand and it hit the ceiling with a loud clang. With his other, he force pulled his lightsaber to him. He dropped the droid and held out his lightsaber. The droid hit the ground in two steaming halves. Tyvral force pulled his other lightsaber to him and lunged at the two B1s which were walking in, and the rain came down.

Kart headbutt a droid and it fell to the ground before blasting the next two. Two commando droid rushed in the first tackling him and raising up a vibroblade. The second running towards Tyvral. “DUCK!” yelled Kart.

Tyvral ducked and raised a lightsaber, and the halves flying through the air. Tyvral threw his other lightsaber and it struck the head of the commando droid. Kart kicked off the droid as Tyvral pulled his lightsaber to his hand, and the rain came down.

Kart pulled the trigger of one of his pistols and it clicked. The droid shot him and Kart fell over a box. He shoved the box and it slammed into the droid’s legs causing it to fall over the box. Kart shot rapidly with his other pistol which then clicked as other droids were walking in. He grabbed one of the battle droids blasters and began firing, and the rain came down.

Tyvral spun in a circle and cut the two droids in half at the waist. He immediately force pushed other droids away. He threw one of the super battle droid halves at the droids, and the rain came down.

A super battle droid walked through and Kart rapidly shot it three times. The super battle took a step back after every shot but it immediately shot back. Kart rolled on the ground the blasts just missing him. He grabbed the vibroblade and stabbed up at the super battle droid, stabbing its weird head, and the rain came down.

Tyvral dodged a blast and sliced through a droid. A super battle droid raised its missile launcher arm. Tyvral jerked it with the force. The droid fired. The missile struck the ground by the ship and Tyvral leapt away as that side of the ship crashed. He did a backflip and cut a droid in half on Kart’s side. He immediately raised his hands and pushed away the droids, and the rain came down.

“I thought you were supposed to protect your side,” panted Kart as he shot a droid.

“What side?” said Tyvral.

A commando droid sprinted towards them and threw a grenade.

Tyvral pushed Kart to the other side of the ship, and the grenade caused him to promptly join him. Kart shot the droid. Tyvral stood up his body throbbing with pain as did. He activated his lightsabers again and noticed that there was no steam. He looked up and saw a star destroyer descending towards the surface, rain outlining its form. 

“YES!” he roared.

    Kart blasted a droid and glanced up, “Beautiful”.

    Tyvral sliced through a droid, a grin on his face, and the pain a fading memory. Then his eyes widened, “GET DOWN!” he yelled as he pulled Kart to ground.

    Dozens of blast began to go over their heads as they went through the side of the ship.

    Suddenly the ship rocked violently as the pair laid on the floor. There was no noise and the pair crawled outside. Large craters and droid parts surrounded the ship, and Y-wings flew back towards the star destroyer. “You guys owe me one,” said Zip over the coms.

    Kart breathed deeply several times before answering, “Whatever you want brother, whatever you want”.


    The pair walked back onto the bridge and Shargo looked at them a bemused look on his face, and pink flourishing on his crest. “Learn anything?”

    Tyvral nodded, “Waiting isn’t so bad”.

    “Indeed,” said Shargo.

    Tyvral looked around and noticed several absences. “Where’s Ashoka, and Maw. And is Dev back yet?”

    Shargo grinned slightly, “Dev arrived here shortly after you left, he stole a ship. He, Ashoka, and Captain Maw are securing the mines from the separatist.

    Tyvral slumped over, “Patience is growing on me”.

    Shargo chuckled, “Come, walk with me”.

    They walked through the halls of the star destroyer until they arrived in the training room. “Today?” asked Tyvral.

    Shargo shook his head, “No, I wish to see something” he said a faraway look in his eyes.

    He placed a massive hand on Tyvral’s head and closed his eyes. He was still for a few seconds, then he began to tremble, his crest becoming black, and he opened his eyes. He removed his hand and instantly activated his com, “Admiral, as soon as the planet is secured make way for Coruscant, I must speak with Master Yoda”.

Author's note: Don't give me that look, cliffhangers are our friends. Say it after me cliffhangers are friends, not rude.

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