Chapter 51

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Mal’dar sat in the back of the cab as they flew towards Rose Tower. The Balnab was glancing around wildly, looking desperately for something. Mal’dar watched him inquisitively.
Suddenly the Balnab’s gaze locked onto a tiny, rundown landing platform. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and tensed. Mal’dar pulled out a blaster and aimed it at the Balnab’s head, “We’re going to the hotel, no detours”.
The Balnab froze and looked at Mal’dar terrified, “Please don’t hurt me”.
“Then just go to Rose Hall,” said Mal’dar.
The Balnab nodded and they flew towards Rose Hall. Mal’dar shook his head and holstered the blaster. The Balnab rapidly pressed a button opening Mal’dar door and jerked the wheel. Mal’dar tumbled along the back seats and fired his cable. The cable wrapped around the steering wheel and both the speeder and Mal’dar fell towards the rundown landing pad. Mal’dar let the cable go and activated his jetpack. He slowed his fall and landed on the landing pad, the speeder exploding behind him.
There were seven enemies on the pad, four of them had blasters, the other three had vibrodaggers. Mal’dar looked at them calmly, the smoke of the speeder billowing behind him, “Walk away”.
One of them, a trandoshian brandished their vibrodagger at him, “Give up sssucker”.
Mal’dar activated his lightsaber, and they all stumbled backwards. “You were saying?”
The trandoshian smiled, “Well can sell that for lotss of creditsss”.
Mal’dar deactivated the lightsaber and reattached it to his belt. He held his hands over his blasters, “Don’t”.
The three with vibrodaggers charged him.
Mal’dar grabbed one and flung him off the pad, the man screamed as he plummeted towards. With his other hand, he drew a blaster and shot the other. The transdosian slapped the blaster from his hand and stabbed at him. The blade sliced his armor leaving a scratch on the paint. Mal’dar rapidly punched the trandosian several times but he took the punches. The transdosian slapped Mal’dar who sailed through the air and struck the ground several feet away. The transdosian walked towards Mal’dar, a toothy smile on his lips. Mal’dar fired his flamethrower at the transdosian who walked through the flames and planted a foot on Mal’dar chest. The transdosian raised his vibrodagger high in the air holding it with both hands. Mal’dar grabbed his lightsaber and activated it slicing through the trandosian’s leg. The transdosian fell the ground bellowing in pain.
“It’ll grow back,” said Mal’dar he stood and blast struck his chest. The four remaining gangsters aimed at him, “Give us your money and lightsaber,” sneered one.
Mal’dar fired a wrist rocket at them and they all screamed. Mal’dar shook his head, “Idiots”. He looked around for his pistol and holstered it, then he activated his jetpack and flew to Rose Tower. 
Mal’dar had never met his first cousin Satine Kryze but he knew she liked nice people, the kind of people who would pay for their servants to have rooms. Mal’dar peeked through the door to Rose Tower, there was a single receptionist and a bellhop. Mal’dar activated his jetpack and shot up to a window, and he waited.
After a few hours of waiting the receptionist went to the bathroom and the bellhop wasn’t there either. Mal’dar kicked the widow open jumped down into the lobby. He took the logbook and flew out. Mal’dar landed on the book and flipped through the book looking for Mandalorian names. He found a page with two Mandalorian names and nodded to himself.
He slowly flew outside of the building until he found the room of the council member’s assistant and punched it. The window shattered and glass rained down. “WHAT THE!” yelled the council member’s assistant. 

Mal’dar stepped into the room and aimed a blaster at the man. “Your boss’s schedule or I kill you”.

“I’M NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING!” roared the man.

Mal’dar shot the man’s leg.

The man fell the ground roaring in pain.

“You were saying?”

“I will not betray her!”

Mal’dar activated his lightsaber, “Talk or start taking limbs”.

The man glared at Mal’dar definatly, “I will not betray her!”

Mal’dar sighed, “Very well”. He slashed the lightsaber cutting through the man’s legs and the man roared in pain.

The door open and wide-eyed bellhop stood in the doorway. Mal’dar shot him in the shoulder and the bellhop fell the ground.

Mal’dar leaned down in front of the man holding the lightsaber inches from his face. “Schedule”.

“No,” snarled the man.

Mal’dar stood up, “I believe that you won’t break, and you have my respect”. He brought down the lightsaber.

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