Chapter 44

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    Mal’dar’s heart hammered as he and Rimi walked arm in arm towards the bridge.

    “I can’t believe we’re relying on that kid for the plan,” said Rimi in a voice that sounded like she said it through clenched teeth.

    “Your armor looks nice,” said Mal’dar

    Both of them had shined up their armor, though her’s looked nicer than his. They had both thrown capes on to cover their jetpacks and Mal’dar also hid his lightsaber behind the cape. They were nearly to the bridge when two Neimoidian walked up to them, both held scanners in their hands. They held up the scanner, which immediately began to rapidly beep. Both guards eyes widened, “This way,” one said pointing away from the bridge and mansion.

    Mal’dar and Rimi both pulled out several credits and held them out to guards, “You don’t need to do that”.

    The guards nodded to each other and snatched up the credits, “Head on in”.

    They began to walk towards the mansion. “I can’t believe that worked,” said Rimi.

    “Neither can I,” said Mal’dar.

    They quickly walked into the mansion. Mal’dar’s head craned up as he took in the massive building. Columns soared to the stone, vaulted ceiling, which could have doubled as a sky. Rimi slapped his arm and Mal’dar’s head snapped towards her. Rimi pointed to a small stairwell, “There’s the basement”.

    Mal’dar nodded and looked at the massive mass of people dancing that was in-between them and the stairwell. “How do we get to it?”

    “Simple we dance across,” said Rimi.

    Mal’dar looked at her so quickly that he felt his neck pop, “What?”

    Rimi snorted, “What you have a problem with dancing, it’s just like sword fighting”.

    Mal’dar gulped, “I’ll take your word for it”.

    Rimi grasped his hands, “Come on”. She dragged him towards the masses of twirling bodies and she swung his arms from side to side. “I thought you’d want to keep up appearances”.

    Mal’dar smiled at her from under his helmet and interlaced his fingers with hers. “Like sword fighting?” He took a step and she mirrored his movement, and he took another quicker this time which she also mirrored matching his pace. Soon they were dancing across the floor looking into each other’s visors. They made their way in a circle around the dance floor and reached the stairwell. They stood at the top of it neither looking away from the other. Mal’dar opened his mouth to speak when a voice came from the stairwell, “You can’t be over here,” said a Neimoidian guard.

    Rimi tossed him some credits, “It’s ok we’re allowed”.

    He narrowed his eyes at them, “You’re not allowed to be over here”. He stood up straight and opened his mouth to yell but only received a blaster bolt from Rimi. All music immediately stopped and guards ran towards them as everyone else began to shuffle away. Rimi looked at Mal’dar, “Plan B”.

    They sprinted down the stairs and threw open the basement door. The basement was filled with barrels of some sort of drink. Two guards got up from a table and one fired at Mal’dar but missed. Mal’dar and Rimi fired and both guards hit the floor. The door to the basement flew open behind them. Mal’dar spun and fired his wrist rocket. It struck the door and the doorways crumbled down to become just a pile of rubble.

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