Chapter 58

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    Tyvral landed his starfighter on the surface of the planet. X9 flew out and landed beside him. “You ready buddy?” asked Tyvral.

    X9 whirled and looked into the distance. Tyvral followed his gaze and looked at the city, “Yeah I know buddy, don’t worry it’ll be easy,” said Tyvral.

    X9 beeped and Tyvral shook his head, “You worry too much”.

    Tyvral began to walk towards the city X9 rolling just behind him.

    The planet, Rionis, was barren not a single blade of grass was in sight. The ground was black and scorched. X9 shook at the sight and Tyvral looked back at the astromech. “I told you already I don’t know no one does, that’s why we’re here”.

    X9 beeped at him and Tyvral sighed, “Come on”. X9 began to roll after Tyvral and they walked towards the city.

    Tyvral stepped in line to enter the city gates. There were several people ahead of them, most of them either riding a mount or in a vehicle. Tyvral adjusted his cloak, this would be interesting. After a few minutes, Tyvral and X9 reached the front of the line and a battle droid raised its hand. “Why are you entering the city?”

    “Looking for work,” said Tyvral.

    “Identification,” said the droid.

    Tyvral winced, “I just arrived I don’t have any”.

    “Raise your hands while we search you,” said the droid. Tyvral complied and a second droid stepped forward and patted down Tyvral. It nodded to the first droid, “He’s clean”.

    “Head on in,” said the droid, and Tyvral walked through the gates, X9 rolling by his side.

    The city of Hipor was not bustling, though it certainly was occupied. Dozens of people laid on the sides of streets in makeshift sleeping bags. Those who walked in the streets all shambled their movements lethargic, even the patrolling droids moved faster. Tyvral walked past them and to the power station. 

    The power station had dozens of massive coils electricity jumping from one to the other. Tyvral’s fur began to puff out as he neared them and he pushed it down with the force. He saw the control tower and ran up the stairs to it. He knocked on the door and the man inside looked at him alarmed.

    The man threw open the door and glared at Tyvral, “Yeah?”

    “I’d like a job,” said Tyvral smiling painfully at the guy.

    The guy flinched at Tyvral’s grin which displayed his large, sharp teeth. “Uh sorry not hiring,” said the guy.

    Tyvral pulled his hand slightly and a power coupling flew out from the man’s console. “You’ve got a power coupling out over there,” said Tyvral pointing to coupling.

    The man turned and walked over to coupling. Tyvral grabbed the door before it closed, he and X9 went inside. The man looked up at him, “Thank you’ve got a good eye”.

    Tyvral waved his hand in front of the man, “You will go home and lock the door”.

    The man looked at Tyvral blankly, “I will go home and lock the door”. He strode out began making his way home. Tyvral gestured towards the computer, “Do your thing”.

    X9 rolled up to the computer and linked up to with his scomp link. It twirled for several seconds then X9 removed his scomp link and looked at Tyvral. He beeped and Tyvral shook his head, “Yes I knew you could do it now stop bragging”.

    X9 beeped indigently and shot Tyvral’s lightsabers at him. Tyvral rolled his eyes as he snatched them out of the air, “Stay here for a few minutes I don’t want anyone interfering, but get out of here before this place blows”.

    X9 beeped and Tyvral walked out of the control tower and began walking swiftly, activating his comlink as he did, “Cooling is offline for the power plant, it’ll blow in a few minutes”. He ducked into an alleyway and listened as a squad of battle droids approached.

    Shargo’s voice came through the com, “Good work, and good luck”.

    Tyvral leapt straight up landing on the roof of an apartment building, “Thanks, I’ll need it”.

    “Go make me proud kid, and I’ll see you in a minute,” said Dev.

    “Don’t be late,” said Tyvral.

    “Don’t be close,” said Dev.

    “I won’t,” said Tyvral and he deactivated his com. He held out his hands and the lightsaber flew into them activating as they did. He took a deep breath and leapt towards the battle droids below.

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