Chapter 47

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    Mal’dar sat by the target range inspecting some new recruits. Snow crunched and Bo-Katan walked up to him an eyebrow-raising as she spoke, “You were in Rimi Kryze’s tent for several hours”.

    Mal’dar was quite glad that his cousin couldn’t see his face which was turning bright red, “No point in making a marriage a big deal”.

    Bo nodded, “True that is not our way, but it is our way to celebrate afterwards”.

    “True,” said Mal’dar cautiously.

    “So I will arrange it,” said Bo-Katan.

    Mal’dar opened his mouth to protest but she already was walking away.

    “I have spoken,” she said walking towards the shipyard.

    “I have a bad feeling about this,” muttered Mal’dar.

    Several hours later Mal’dar and Rimi found themselves sitting at the head of a table, next to them sat Sarna and the Armorer. The rest of the table was occupied with Death Watch soldiers.

    “You both choose well,” said Sarna.

    “Thank you,” said Mal’dar squirming uncomfortably.

    “Thank you,” echoed Sarna.

    The Armorer examined Mal’dar, “You crafted your own armor?”

    “Yes, four straight days of work,” said Mal’dar.

    “Hmm,” responded the Armorer, she did not seem impressed.

    Sarna rolled her eyes, “You Tribe Mandalorians, you don’t know how to celebrate!” She grabbed her mug of tihaar and promptly chugged it.

    Rimi leaned over to Mal’dar, “Is she ok?”

    It was a good question, after all, tihaar was a extremely potent drink, know to level many a warrior. “She’ll drink everyone in the camp through the table”.

    “Don’t you mean under,” said the Armorer.

    Sarna chugged another mug of tihaar and slammed it down next to her other mug, “Ah, delicious, and no, he means through”.

    The Armorer looked over at Rimi, “Are you sure you chose well?”

    “I don’t think The Armorer likes me,” said Mal’dar. Both his and Rimi’s armor laid in the floor discarded. He and Rimi were snuggled against one another, Mal’dar softly stroking her scarlet hair.

    “She doesn’t like anybody, but your one of the tribe, you’d be family to her even if we weren’t married”.

    “Hmm,” respond Mal’dar, “Well what about you, do you like my mother?”

    Rimi laughed, “Well I certainly respect her, anyone who can outdrink every member of Death Watch deserves praise”.

    “Don’t get her started on that, or else you’ll hear the story of how she outdrank a herglic,” said Mal’dar.

    “Really!” exclaimed Rimi.

    Mal’dar nodded, “Yeah, she’s very proud of it”. His eyes wander around the room and something caught his eyes, “What’s wrong with your feet!”

    Rimi lifted up her feet, they had the light pink pigment that the rest of her skin did, but she only had four toes. She shrugged, “What you don’t like them, heck my father had hooves”.

    “Oh yeah forgot that Thileen’s had hooves,” mused Mal’dar.

    “Well you're stuck with me now,” teased Rimi.

    “And all the better for,” said Mal’dar with a smile and he kissed her.

Author's Note: Vote if you think the chapter deserves it and comment or DM ideas/thoughts. Sorry if I seem less enthusiastic I really want to get to some chapters that are down the line but, I have to do the build-up which is kind of boring. This is why I want ideas not because I don't have some, but because new ones might make this filler a highlight instead of a low point.

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