Chapter 14

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    They were all walking back to The Crucible, Master Yoda leading the way. Tyvral walked alongside Dev. He bit his lip and turned to Tev then turned away.

    “What do you want to ask?” asked Dev.

    Tyvral flinched, “How did you tell?”

    Dev scoffed, “It would have been hard not to, so what is it?”

    “Everyone else here is a youngling, I’m already a padawan, so why am I just now getting a lightsaber?”

    “Shargo isn’t a big believer in younglings getting lightsabers,” said Dev.

    “Why not?” said Tyvral.

    Dev shrugged, “He thinks it forces us to rely on the force more. But the only person to beat me so far in a duel is Windu”.
“Liar, I beat you,” said Tyvral.

    “I let you,” said Dev.

    “No I surprised YOU!” said Tyvral and he gave Dev a playful shove.

    Dev fell into a pile of snow, his tar-black skin now splotched with white. He glared up at Tyvral.

    Tyvral burst out laughing nearly falling on the ground. Tears ran down his face as his sides shook.

    Dev grabbed some snow and formed it into a ball. “Hey, Ty”.

    Tyvral looked down at Dev, “Yeah?”

    The snowball flew through the air and struck Tyvral’s face. He wiped the snow off his face and gave Dev a devilish grin. “So you want to play it that way?” He reached out with the force and pushed a mound of snow on Dev.

    Dev emerged from under the snow mound and shook himself. “So you want to play that way huh?” He grabbed some snow in his hands and ran over the Tyvral.

    Tyvral knew what was coming and tried to run but Dev was faster. Dev grasped Tyvral’s hood and dumped snow down Tyvral’s back.

    Tyvral shook himself and the snow fell out, he gave Dev a mischievous grin, “Did you forget I have fur?”

    Dev rolled his eyes and pushed Tyvral towards the ship. “Get on board so I can show how to use a real lightsaber”.

    “Would Windu be a better teacher?” mocked Tyvral.

    Dev looked at him with narrowed eyes, “Windu doesn’t have time for you, now get on board”.

    The pair got on The Crucible and went into a large workshop. Dev stood to the side of a table and said, “May I present professor Huyang”.

    A droid stepped out from behind the shelves of parts and walked to behind the table. “My they get younger every year,” he proclaimed.

    “A droid!” exclaimed the Togruta.

    Huyang sighed, “Every year”. He looked directly at the girl and said, “I have been on this ship for over a thousand years. Every lightsaber design in that time is in my memory banks. So if you think that you can do better than please tell me what pieces you need to build your lightsaber”.

    The Togruta opened and closed her mouth before giving her boots an ashamed look.

    “Thank you,” said Huyang. “Now show me the crystals”.

    They all set their crystals on the table and a magnifying glass slid down over Huyang’s eye. “Yes, yes, yes”. His gaze locked onto Tyvral’s crystal. “Interesting”.

    All eyes went from Huyang to Tyvral. “What is it?” asked a concerned Tyvral.

    “Oh nothing bad, quite good some might say,” said Huyang. He grasped the crystal and broke it in two. “Your crystal is large enough for two lightsabers”.

    “Twice the pride, double the fall,” said Dev.

    “You’ll fall once I make them,” countered Tyvral.

    “You know I hear just about every Jedi has a lightsaber, they aren’t that special,” said Dev patting Tyvral on the head.

    “I beg to differ,” said Huyang indignantly.

    They were nearly back to Coruscant and Tyvral had nearly finished his lightsabers. 

    “You’re taking your time,” said the Togruta, who had finished hers first.

    “Hush child, you nearly eviscerated yourself and your lightsaber,” retorted Huyang.

    The girl pursed her lips together but didn’t offer snide comment back.

    Tyvral breathed deeply, seeing the diagram in his mind. He held his hands out and slowly pulled them together until they were touching. He opened his eyes and saw two lightsabers laying on the table in front of him.

    Huyang inspected them, his magnifying glass over his eye. “Well done these lightsabers are two of the finest I have seen”. He held them back 

    Tyvral bowed his head and took the lightsabers back, “Thank you”. He held them out and activated them. Blue blades shot from them illuminating him a bright blue light.

    “Not bad kid, not bad at all,” said Dev with a proud smile.

For those who wanted a more unique color, wait a while. Eventually, he'll get new lightsabers but from where, why, and what color. The answers will surprise you.

(Completed) Blaster & Blade: A Untold Star Wars Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें