Chapter 45

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    Mal’dar walked over to Rimi, “That plan was amazing”.

    Rimi sat down leaning back in a seat, “It was, we got lucky with the drink”.

    Mal’dar nodded, “Yeah,” he bit his lip and looked at her, “Ni kar’tayl gar darasum” I love you.

    Rimi froze and stood as still as a statue.

    Mal’dar kept his gaze on her, “Rimi?”

    “You should make sure that boy doesn’t crash the ship, kaysh mirsh solus,” she said her voice terse but otherwise without emotion.

    Mal’dar opened his mouth but sighed and walked to the cockpit. “Move,” he said to Lando pointing to the co-pilot’s seat.

    “Alright,” said Lando moving to the co-pilot seat. “Hey what were you guys saying back there?”

    Mal’dar sat in the pilot’s seat, “She said that your brain cells are lonely”.

    Lando looked from Mal’dar to Rimi whom began to climb down into the cargo hold. “Huh, sure she didn’t say that to you?”

    Mal’dar glared at Lando, “Copaani mirshmure’oye” Mal’dar said his voice gaining a dangerous edge.

    “What’s that mean?”

    “Are you looking for a smack in the face?” snapped Mal’dar.

    Lando flinched, “I’m just gonna let you do your thing, you drop can drop me off at the nearest spaceport, with my cut”.

    “Works for me,” said Mal’dar.

    They did just that dropping Lando off on a desert planet called Tatooine before going back to Carlac. As soon as they landed Rimi walked off to her tent and Mal’dar sat in Abam cupping his helmet in his hands.

    “Get a grip,” said a voice.

    Mal’dar looked up, “Hello cousin,” he said to Bo-Katan.

    Bo-Katan narrowed her eyes at Mal’dar, “You can either sit here and do nothing or go and talk to her and see if you have a reason to stay here. Or just take your sword and leave”.

    Mal’dar looked at her his eyes narrowing behind his visor, “You know about that?”

    Bo-Katan rolled her eyes, “You idiot I’m the one who talked him into it, I was getting tired you just staring at Rimi. So grow some balls and go talk to her”.

    Mal’dar nodded, “Ok”.

    He strode through the death watch and stood outside of Rimi’s tent. “Rimi?” he said.

    “Come in,” she sighed.

    Mal’dar walked in, Rimi sat in a small chair and looked up at Mal’dar. “Did you mean it?”

    “Yes,” said Mal’dar instantly his heart hammering, yet it was calming.

    Rimi nodded, “Bo told me about your deal, you would stay for me, not take your father’s sword for me?”

    “Yes,” said Mal’dar.

    Rimi stared off, looking at nothing, “I remember my mother telling me that Mandalorians do not court, they simply marry”.

    Mal’dar nodded, “We will court, but it’s rare that it takes very long. Back in the old days, girls had to marry at sixteen”.

    “One thing Death Watch does have going for them,” said Rimi, she looked at Mal’dar, “I’m not even fully human”.

    Mal’dar shrugged, “You are Mandalorian”. He paused then looked at her, “Do you feel the same about me?”

    “I do,” said Rimi standing and taking Mal’dar’s hand.

    Mal’dar took her other hand, “Then I will stay”.

    Rimi looked at him, “Correct me if I say the words wrong”.

    Mal’dar kept his eyes on her and they began to speak in unison, “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar’tome, mhi medinui an, mhi ba’juri verde”. We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors. Both reached for the other’s helmet and slowly lifted them off the other’s head.

    And they were husband and wife.

    Mal’dar set down Rimi’s helmet and gazed at her. She was half-theelin and had tiny horns that outlined the side of brow, a slight pink tint was in her skin, and her hair which was unevenly cut was scarlet. “I hope you're not disappointed,” said Rimi.

    “Never,” said Mal’dar, and he smiled slightly, “Rimi Kryze, has a nice ring to it”.

A Theelin (On the right)

Author's Note:Well, comment or DM any thoughts or criticism

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Author's Note:
Well, comment or DM any thoughts or criticism. And yes that was back to back Mal'dar chapters, and that was intentional. Vote if you think the chapter deserves it, and leave ideas because 20 BBY is relatively boring.

(Completed) Blaster & Blade: A Untold Star Wars StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ