Chapter 66

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Tyvral’s sat in his room when his comlink activated, “Tyvral come to the training room,” rumbled Shargo.
Tyvral stood and walked to the training room, wringing his hands as he walked. What was Shargo up to, perhaps it was some new force technique and that was why he needed the council’s permission.
The door to training room slide open and Tyvral walked in. Something was wrong he thought. The room was completely dark, not a single light could be found.  The door closed behind him and the only source of light was gone. Tyvral looked around in the darkness, he could sense people, “Hello?”
Suddenly the room was bathed in green light as a massive green lightsaber activated. A blue lightsaber activated right after it. Shargo smiled at Tyvral, his crest a vibrant orange. Dev grinned at Tyvral, and clicks resounded through the room. Clones activated flashlights on their rifles and held them up like lightsabers, the clones grinning at Tyvral. Kart nodded Tyvral who felt emotions swelling up in his throat, and he realized what was happening. His padawan braid suddenly felt very heavy.
Tyvral stood tall and walked towards Shargo, the clones and Jedi making a circle around him. Tyvral stood in front of Shargo and knelt.
Shargo smiled at Tyvral, he lowered his lightsaber above Tyvral’s shoulder, “By the right of the council,” Shargo moved the lightsaber above Tyvral’s other shoulder, “By the will of the force,” Shargo changed the shoulders again and waved his hand. Tyvral’s padawan braid stuck out and Shargo sliced it speaking with a fervor in his voice, “Tyvral Curath, rise a Jedi Knight of The Republic”. The lights turned on and Shargo deactivated his lightsaber and beamed at Tyvral.
Dev deactivated his lightsaber and whooped, “Yeah!” He embraced Tyvral who hugged him back. Dev broke off the hug and grinned at Tyvral, “You deserve it”.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” said Tyvral his eyes tearing up but not with sadness, no, with joy.
Dev nodded, “Yeah you could have, your one of the best with those sabers I’ll ever see”.
Tyvral bit his lip to try and stop the tears from welling up in his eyes, “Thank you”.
Tyvral turned to Kart and the other clones who brought their arms to their foreheads in a salute. “Every day with you is an honor, General,” said Kart smiling at Tyvral's new rank.
Tyvral embraced Kart, “And I couldn’t have dreamed of a better soldier to fight alongside”.
Kart looked at Tyvral with glistening eyes, “Thank you, brother,” and embraced Tyvral back. 
They let go of each other and Tyvral cleared his throat, “So does that mean I can call all clones brother?”, a mischievous grin on his face.
Kart burst out laughing and shook his head, “No”, but still smiling.
“Oh,” said Tyvral slumping over slightly in mock disappointment, a smile still curled on his lips.
Kart nodded towards Shargo, “I think someone wants to talk to you”.
Tyvral turned and walked to his now former master, “I like this training” he said with a grin. Every step towards the massive green figure felt as if he were walking on air.
Shargo chuckled, “You were ready”.
“Only because of your teachings,” said Tyvral bowing towards Shargo.
Shargo bowed to Tyvral before rumbling, “You learned and mastered them. Thank you for being a masterful student, and may the force be with you”.
Dev walked over to them grinning, “Next time we’re on Coruscant dinner’s on me”.

Kart watched to Jedi chatting a peaceful sereneness over him, and his holo-communicator began to beep.

Shargo and Tyvral both doubled over shaking their heads wildly. “You guys ok?” asked Dev his eyes wide with concern.

Kart activated his holo-communicator. the chancellor appeared, his face hidden by a hood. He spoke slow but decisively and without hesitation. “Captain Kart, execute Order 66,” he said.

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