Chapter 33

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"Sir we're picking up a distress signal!" shouted a clone naval officer.

An escape pod floated through dead space, small lights coming from inside it.

"What are they doing all the way out here?" said Tyvral.

"Hey maybe we'll get lucky for once and it'll be Bane," said Dev.

"The chances are quite slim," said Maw flatly.

"Thanks," muttered Dev.

"Try to contact them," said Admiral Sato.

The air was filled with a static sound for several seconds then a Weequay voice came over the coms, "Hey uh we uh, uh our ship blew up, and we uh, need a ride".

"Their lying," said Maw quietly.

"We still have to have to help them," said Shargo.

Admiral Sato nodded, "It would be wrong to leave them, let them dock. The star destroyer flew over the escape pop and a cotterdam came out from the star destroyer and connected with the escape pod.

"I'll make sure nothing crazy happens," sighed Dev.

Dev stood in front of the escape pod with two clone troopers at his side. He nodded and one of the clone troopers pressed the button to open the door. The door immediately opened and two weequay pirates stood beside a massive cylinder with large coils wrapped around it and a large red button. Dev's eyes flew open, "BOMB!" and one of the weequays pressed the button.

All the lights turned off and the ship swayed wildly. "What's going on!" yelled Admiral Sato.

"We've lost all power!" shouted a clone naval officer.

Three Corona-Class Armed Frigates appeared and began spinning towards the star destroyer. Attached to the bottom of one was a Droch-Class Boarding Ship. It began spinning towards them it's arms closed.

"Shoot that boarding ship!" yelled Kart.

"There is no power!" shouted Admiral Sato.

The Droch-Class Boarding Ship slammed into the roof of the hanger. Kart, Maw, Tyvral, and Shargo immediately looked at each other and began running towards the hanger. Every time they ran past a clone they sent them to find others. They quickly arrived at the hanger their weapons drawn. The arms of the boarding ship had yet to open. Suddenly they did just that, flying out and shearing through metal as they did causing a shrill sound to ring through the hanger.

"DO NOT SHOOT!" yelled a voice from inside.

They and the clones who were already there gave each other confused looks, but the clones lowered their blasters slightly.

A weequay hopped out of the ship. He had the brown skin of most weequays, and a massive red coat which had armored shoulder pads. A metal hat adorned his head which two long braids dangled alongside. Two other weequays jumped out and to his side, then he began to speak, "It is I, Hondo Ohnaka! And I have come to discuss your surrender!"

"Who?" said Tyvral.

"He's a pirate from Florum, he captured Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi a few months back," said Maw keeping his pistols leveled at Hondo.

"Ah an admirer!" exclaimed Hondo, "Though please lower your blaster there is no need for violence".

Maw kept the blaster aimed at Hondo.

Tyvral activated his lightsabers, "You attacked us".

Hondo's eyes widen, "Two laser swords, magnificent!" His expression shifted from shock to a smile and he continued, "But my friend you mistake my actions, I did not attack you I merely put in a negotiating position".

Shargo activated his massive green lightsaber, "You don't seem to be in control".

Hondo's eyes widened once again, "A big laser sword, that is amazing! It is the most amazing thing I have seen since," he paused and pondered a moment before exclaiming, "ME!" The pirate continued, "You know my mother used to say having one gun pointed at is bad, two guns very bad, three guns well then you are in the wrong business! And you my friends," he said pointing at the Jedi, "Have three very large guns pointed at you! So you can bring me a million credits worth of spice and then we can all have a drink and celebrate good business!"

"Or we could kill you," said Kart aiming at Hondo.

"ME!" exclaimed Hondo, "Now why would you go and do a thing like that, after all I am not threatening you, my ships are!"

Shargo deactivated his lightsaber, "We will have to contact the council".

"I will join you!" shouted Hondo.

"Can't you fly away?" asked Tyvral.

Hondo looked at the boarding ship, "Ah yes well I could, however then you would all be sucked into space and die which means no spice. So I come with you!"

Tyvral sighed, "Space is looking better".

Obi-wan stroked his beard, his image grainy as the clone engineer continued working on the holotable, sighed, "I had hoped that you would be less volatile after what happened last time".

"Volatile is such a nasty word Kenobi!" said Hondo, "Shameless is much better!"

Obi-wan sighed.

Chancellor Palpatine who was also on the call narrowed his eyes at Hondo, "Why should we trust you betrayed us before and murdered a senator".

Hondo pointed his finger at Palpatine, "NO! It was traitors among my men, but Dooku dealt with them, a shame really I was quite proud".

"And how do we know that you or your men won't do the same thing?" asked Mace Windu.

"Now why would I go and do a thing like that my bald angry friend!" said Hondo, "I already lost several men due to dealing with you laser sword wielding maniacs, I mean really I told the count that the whole ransom business was nothing to lose his head over!"

"I believe it would be wise to pay him, I think he is telling the truth and will honor the agreement," rumbled Shargo.

"Thank you my friend!" exclaimed Hondo.

The council members all looked at each other and nodded, "Very well we agree to it, Chancellor?" asked Windu looking at Palpatine.

"I agree with you master Jedi," said Palpatine with a bow of his head and then his hologram vanished.

The Jedi council bowed their heads to them and then quickly followed.

Hondo breathed in and then let out the breath a smile covering his face, "I love the smell of victory".

Palpatine's ship flew through the industrial district and arrived at the Sith headquarters. He walked up to holotable and activated it, a red projection of Count Dooku shooting up the table. Dooku instantly bowed, "Yes my master?"

"Send a fleet to these coordinates," said Darth Sidious with the push of a button, "Destroy the Jedi, and kill the pirate Hondo he has become a nuisance".

A smile curled on Dooku's lips, "It would a pleasure my master".

Author's Note: Everybody's gangsta till Hondo rolls up. Please leave any constructive criticism and vote if you think the story deserves it. Mal'dar will be back next chapter along with an introduction to a Rebels character. Until then Antihero out!

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