Chapter 63

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Mal'dar & Sarna

Mal'dar awoke and immediately grabbed his pounding head. "Ah geez," he muttered sitting up slowly.

"You removed your helmet," commented The Armorer as she examined a knife.

Mal'dar winced as he stood and walked towards her, "I don't care".

"You should," said The Armorer.

"Why? It didn't help Rimi," said Mal'dar.

The armorer nodded, "Indeed, not even beskar armor can withstand a stab from a lightsaber".

"Is that why you're here, to give me useless information!" snapped Mal'dar his anger drowning out the headache.

"No," said The Armorer, "I am here for my daughter and granddaughter".

"Rimi is dead, you can't fix that!" snapped Mal'dar.

"No," she said looking at the floor, "But we are here for the next best thing".

"And where is here!" snapped Mal'dar.

"Ord Mantell," said The Armorer.

Sarna crept along the roof of the now republic compound on Ord Mantell. She looked through the ceiling with thermal imaging and stopped when she saw a blue room, "Found you," she said softly. She turned off thermal imaging and examined a window, it was a strong one not likely to shatter. She activated her jetpack and rocket away from the compound before coming to stop and hovering in the air, it was at least a hundred meters to the window. She rocketed towards the window, 90 meters, she kept going, 80, 70, 60, 50, she kept going, 40, 30, 20, 10. Sarna deactivated her jetpack and flipped. Her momentum shot her forward and she struck the window with both feet. It shattered and Sarna landed in the hallway of the compound.

"WHAT THE?!" yelled a clone aiming at her.

She rolled on the floor the blast going over her head. Sarna shot up knife in hand and she jammed it under the clone's helmet. The clone went limp and Sarna withdrew the knife. The clone crumpled to the ground.

It was a simple junction, one long hallway ran along the wall eventually reaching the cold room. To Sarna's side was a hallway that lead somewhere. Pipes ran along the ceiling.

Two more clones ran into the hallway, "STOP".

Sarna ran down the side hallway the clones running down the main hallway to catch up to her. The clones turned down the hallway, it was empty, one activated his com, "Command we have a-" Sarna fired her wire, from behind the pipe, and it wrapped its self around his neck. The other clone fired at her as she leapt down jamming her knife through the firing clone's helmet. The first clone went up into the air, the wire suspending him from the pipe. Sarna quickly wrapped the end of the wire around the knife and jammed the knife into the floor. She walked away as the clone thrashed in the air clawing at the wire around his throat.

Sarna walked into the cold room and a pair of clones looked at her in shock, "One's alive".

Sarna pulled out her blasters and fired the blast striking the clones who hit the ground. Sarna looked around, but it was not the cold of the room that made her shiver. In the center of the room was a large pile of Super Commandos, then to the side were two smaller piles. The first was a pile of armor and weapons and second was Mandalorians thrown around as if they were garbage. Anger rose in Sarna and she began to tremble with rage. She threw a thermal detonator at the wall giving it a massive hole. She activated her comlink, "Get over here quick!"

Sarna began to push through the bodies in the large pile, looking, looking, looking. Abam pulled up to the hole and Mal'dar ran down the ramp, he joined her frantically pushing aside the now ridged corpses of the Mandalorians. "Don't be here, don't be here, don't be here, don't be here," he chanted like a prayer, then he saw her. Rimi's eyes were closed through her limbs were splayed out at unnatural angles from being in the pile. Her skin had lost much of its color, the pigment was almost gone. Her scarlet hair was stuck in one large clump and Mal'dar reached out with a trembling hand, and he ran his hand alongside her face.

A blast struck Sarna's shoulder and she spun around facing three clones. Sarna threw a grenade, it exploded a massive boom resonating from it. The clones clutched their heads and Sarna promptly shot all three. Mal'dar pulled Rimi from the pile and ran towards Abam.

Sarna jumped onto Abam, Mal'dar who carried Rimi in his arms just behind her, and The Armorer jumped off, "We cannot leave them," she said.

Sarna rolled her eyes, "Fine! Mal'dar you stay in the cockpit watch for ships". And she jumped back into the room. A clone ran in and Sarna blasted him. "Be quick!" she snapped to The Armorer.

The Armorer went to armor and weapons first carrying them by the armful. The door opened and Sarna immediately fired knocking a clone to the ground.

"Nearly finished," said the Armorer, running past the clones who laid beside the door.

The door opened and Sarna fired. The blast was deflected and in the doorway stood a dark-skinned, bald Jedi wielding a purple lightsaber. He raised the lightsaber leveling at Sarna, "Surrender and you will live".

"MANDALORIANS NEVER SURRENDER JEDI!" she yelled hoping Mal'dar heard her.

Windu ran at her and Sarna blasted at him. He deflected the blast and Sarna backed up desperately. Windu reached towards her and pull with a pull of his hand Sarna flew towards him. She activated her jetpack and Windu winced as tried to pull her to him.

A blast flew through the air and Windu blocked it and released Sarna who hovered in the air. Mal'dar strode towards Windu a blaster in one hand and his sword in the other. He rapidly fired at Windu, Sarna joining in. Windu rapidly blocked the blast and force pushed Mal'dar sending the blaster flying from his hand.
"Jedi," snarled Mal'dar.

Sarna landed and began helping The Armorer as Mal'dar and Windu stood down one another. Windu stepped towards Mal'dar and feinted a slash from over Mal'dar right and slashed from Mal'dar's left. Mal'dar raised his sword and blocked the slash before kicking Windu. Windu stumbled back a step and Mal'dar fired his repulsor at Windu. Windu rolled around the ground before springing up just in time to see Mal'dar fire a wrist rocket into the ceiling. The ceiling over Windu fell down Windu raised his hands holding the pieces in place.

Mal'dar leveled his blaster at Windu, "Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade!" Don't mess with Mandalorians! Mal'dar fired and Windu moved the rumble in front of him blocking the blast. Clones began to fire at Mal'dar and began to fire back retreating towards Abam.

"Time to go!" shouted Sarna as she set down the last corpse.

Mal'dar activated his jetpack and flew into Abam. The Armorer punched the button to close the ramp and Sarna gunned the engine. Sarna checked the radar and nodded to herself before pulling back the lever sending them into hyperspace.

Author's Note: Well vote if think the chapter deserves it, and comment or DM any thoughts.

(Completed) Blaster & Blade: A Untold Star Wars StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora