Chapter 60

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    Tyvral sliced through a pair of battle droids as he landed on the ground. He immediately sliced through two more, two super battle droids and one battle droid left. He sliced off one of the super’s arms before stabbing it with his other lightsaber. He sensed the other super battled droid about to fire at him. Tyvral threw the destroyed super battle droid at its comrade and both laid unmoving on the ground.

    The remaining battle droid fired at Tyvral who easily deflected the blast. He cleaved its blaster in half and the droid ran. It grabbed it’s holocommincator and screeched at its commander, “JEDI! SECTOR 4B!”

    Tyvral smirked and waved his hand sending the droid crashing into a wall. “Thank you,” he said.

    He heard droids running towards him and ran to meet them. Three battle droids stopped at the sight of him and one pointed at him, “Blast him!”

    They opened fire and Tyvral deflected the blast, one of them striking a droid. Tyvral threw his lightsabers, they spun through the air and struck the two battle droids. He held out his hands and the lightsabers deactivated before flying back to him. 

    Tyvral ran through the streets and skidded to a stop when he saw a separatist tank. It adjusted its main gun and Tyvral jumped into the air. It blasted the spot he just been in and immediately began adjusting its aim again. Tyvral leapt into the air and landed on top of the tank, he activated his lightsabers and cut a hole in the top of the tank. He landed in the tank and immediately began slashing. The droids inside were sliced to bits and the tank fell to the ground as it’s controls shut down.

    Tyvral leapt out and landed on the ground beside the wrecked tank, which laid on its side. Suddenly there was a rolling sound and three droidicas came to a stop in front of Tyvral, their blasters flaring out, and their shields activating. “Uh oh,” said Tyvral.

    The droidicas opened fire and Tyvral ran sliding under the downed tank. He took cover behind the tank which the droidicas kept blasting. The sound of marching droids began to echo through the city, the ground vibrating from their march.

    He heard the sound of flying and X9 flew to Tyvral’s side whirling rapidly. Tyvral nodded, “Okay good, but we’ve got bigger problems”.

    X9 beeped and Tyvral looked at the droid, “That’s a crazy idea," he glanced at the droidicas smoke curling from their blasters, "let’s do it”

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