Chapter 15

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(22 BBY A Few Weeks After 1st Battle of Geonosis)


“Do you think we’ll get our first assignment?” asked Tyvral, his padawan braid swinging as he walked quickly to keep up with Shargo’s massive stride.
Shargo pondered the thought as he and his apprentice walked alongside one another. “I do not know, but remember it is not the Jedi way to seek conflict”.
“Yes master,” said Tyvral.
Shargo’s crest briefly showed a blossom of pink, before it returned back to its peaceful green.
“Maybe I’ll finally see you fight with a lightsaber,” aired Tyvral.
Shargo’s crest briefly showed some yellow, “Perhaps”.
They opened the door and went into the war room, a large room dominated by a holotable. Several Jedi masters turned their attention from the hologram to their visitors.
“Master Gal, right on time, Padawan,” said Master Windu.
“I try Master Windu,” said Shargo.
“Master,” said Tyvral with a bow.
Windu picked up a datapad and scrolled through it. “Your cruiser is on platform 77, your troops are the 33rd battle battalion. Your former apprentice Devro will be joining you as well with the 94th Strike Force. Your forces will be joining much of our forces in the Outer Rim campaign, specifically, you’ll be securing Abrion Major”.
“I shall do my best Master Windu,” said Shargo with a bow. He and Tyvral turned and began headed towards landing platform 74.
“Isn’t that one of the largest separatist worlds?” asked Tyvral.

    “Indeed it is,” said Shargo.
“Great,” muttered Tyvral.

The pair arrived at landing pad 74, upon which sat a Venator-Class Star Destroyer. Even Shargo craned his neck to look up at the massive ship.

“Wow,” breathed Tyvral.

“Indeed,” said Shargo.

“GENERAL ON DECK,” boomed a voice. 

Shargo and Tyvral turned and saw a clone trooper standing in front of them at attention. “At ease men,” said Shargo.

The clone troopers relaxed but their attention was still locked onto Shargo and Tyvral. “What are your orders sir,” asked the first trooper who had spoken. His armor was different from the plain white armor of the rest of the clone troopers. He had a pauldron and a kama, and his armor had turquoise markings.

“What is your name trooper?” asked Shargo.

“CT-4963, though everybody calls me Commander, Kart, or Commander Kart,” he said removing his helmet.

“Well Commander Kart what orders were you following,” asked Shargo sitting down in front of the commander.

“To get this ship loaded and ready to go, sir,” said Commander Kart.

“Please continue, my apprentice and I shall assist you,” said Shargo.

Kart’s eyes widened in surprise and the other clones looked at each other and began muttering. Then Kart shook himself and turned to the other clones, “You heard him get to work, show the Jedi how it’s done!”

The clones immediately grabbed the nearest box and began loading them onto the ship. Shargo and Tyvral were lifting boxes with the force and carrying them into the ship.

As they did Tyvral asked, “Master, why are we doing this?”

    “Why should we not, are we any better than these men to make them do our work?” asked Shargo.

    They set down the large crate, which thudded slightly as it was set down. “No, I suppose not,” said Tyvral thoughtfully as they walked to get another crate.

    After a few hours, they were nearly finished. Everyone had gotten into a groove and the work was going quickly. Then they heard a loud laughing. The clones and the Jedi looked to see the source, which none other than one Twi’lek with tar-black skin, a clone wearing armor with black markings standing stoically next to them.

    “Is something amusing Dev?” asked Shargo his crest showing shades of red.

    It took Tev several seconds to stop laughing, tears running down his face by the time he did. “Two things actually”.

    “And they are,” asked Shargo his voice gaining a dangerous edge, and his crest turning a few shades redder.

    “Well one you two working is funnier than you give it credit for, and second did you not realize that there were labor droids available,” Tev laughed.

    Shargo’s eyes widened and his crest exploded with color.

    Dev snorted at the color change, “No you didn’t”.

    “Well my former apprentice, since you are so obviously not busy I think you should help out,” said Shargo.

    “Definitely,” said Tyvral.

    “We are the same rank you know,” said Dev.

    Shargo pondered this then his crest burst with yellow, “I know let’s hold a vote, all in favor of Dev helping load the ship?”

    Over two thousand clones raised their hands and Dev’s face fell. “Karabast,” he muttered.

The first person to spot the Easter egg in this chapter gets a request. Happy hunting.

(Completed) Blaster & Blade: A Untold Star Wars StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora