Chapter 46

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    Tyvral violently coughed, bacta spewing out of his lungs. He doubled off as he was struck by another bought of coughing. His lungs were sore by the time he stopped and he took large gulps of air. Tyvral wiped his eyes and looked up, Shargo, Dev, Commander Kart, and a medical droid looked down at him.

    “Welcome back,” said Dev.

    “Back?” rasped Tyvral still panting.

    They looked at each other and then at Tyvral, “You have been in a bacta tank for over a month, you were dead,” rumbled Shargo.

    The world spun around Tyvral and he planted his hands on the cold, metal floor to steady himself, even though he was sitting. “What?”

    Shargo nodded, “Yes, but the medical droids saved you”.

    Tyvral looked up at the medical droid, “Thank you”.

    “It is simply my job,” stated the medical droid. 

    Kart held out a hand and Tyvral clasped it. Kart helped Tyvral to his feet. Tyvral swayed wildly and nearly fell. Dev and Kart caught him, while the medical droid looked him over. “The bacta preserved much of your muscle, however, proceed with caution. I would advise only light activity for at least a month”.

    Tyvral nodded as he rested on Dev and Kart. “Sounds good”.

    Tyvral was put into a wheelchair and wheeled to his quarters. Tyvral tossed himself from his bed. “Thank you,” he told Kart.

    “Anytime sir,” said Kart.

    Tyvral’s brow furrowed at him, “Sir, we’re both commanders”.

    Shargo shook his head, “That was an error of some sort, apparently I am not allowed to have two commanders, so Kart was told that he would be transferred”.

    “So I asked for a demotion,” said Kart.

    Tyvral’s eyes flew open, “You did that, for me?”

    Kart shrugged, “Ah it’s not a big deal, besides I have to make fun of all your missing fur”.

    “What!” squawked Tyvral.

    Dev and Kart burst out laughing while Shargo shook his head, “Do not mind them, nearly all of your remains due to bacta”.

    “Thank you, master,” said Tyvral while glaring at Dev and Kart.

    “Of course,” said Shargo with a bow of his head. He looked down at Kart and Dev, “Come we should leave him to rest”.

    Dev and Kart nodded and the trio began to walk out.

    “Master, can I ask you something?” shouted Tyvral.

    Shargo turned to him, Dev and Kart watching to exchange as well, “Of course,” rumbled Shargo.

    “Was anyone else by the explosion?” asked Tyvral.

    Shargo shook his head, “No you saved them”.

    Tyvral nodded to himself.

    “Is there anything else?” asked Shargo.

    A thought popped into his head and he smiled slightly in eagerness, “Yeah, um, could you teach me pyrokinesis once I’m better, I don’t want to spend another month in bacta tank”.

    Shargo’s crest turned a deathly black and they flinched in shock, “Master!” exclaimed Tyvral.

    Shargo shook himself and looked at the trio, all of whom were staring at him in shock. Why shouldn’t they, they knew that fear turned his crest black. Yet all Shargo could think of was his vision of Tyvral standing in the middle of a burning village. Shargo shook himself again and smiled at them, “Of course, though it is difficult”.

    “Yeah I tried it once, cooked me so much that I turned black,” said Dev a grin on his face.

    The others all promptly planted their faces in their hands.

    “I will research it for you,” said Shargo who then walked out.

    They looked at him as he left.

    “I’ll make sure he’s ok,” said Dev walking after his former master.

    Kart looked at Tyvral, “Let me know if you need anything kid”.

    Tyvral nodded, “Thanks I will”.

Author's Note: Not my best chapter but hey bacta. Comment or DM any thoughts or criticism. Again ideas are welcome because I need 20 chapters of filler. I have something planned for chapter 66 however. Vote if you think the chapter deserves it.

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