XLI: Enough!

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In the middle of hallway prime, Gail and I sat at a booth we made with a big sign that said CHARITY TICKETS FOR SALE.

Now I don't think you know exactly why there is a charity event. Well, as our school is a prestigeous academy, every year a dance is held to raise funds for the Ashwood Community Charity whose main benefactors are children who don't have education.

All the money raised in the purchase of tickets go to the kids in form of school supplies, books, food, or payment to their teachers. It's said the dances are legendary. And rightfully so, since we planned and decorated the heck out of the venue and event.

Today was our turn to man the ticket booth, and so far so good. Almost everyone wants to go to the dance.

"Next," Gail calls as we give out six tickets to a group of three girls.

"Oh goodness no," I whisper under my breath as Marcus comes into sight. He smiles and pulls out a hundred dollar bill, "one ticket please."

Gail gives him a look, "don't you have any smaller amounts?"

"Nope. Do you accept credit?"

Gail rolls her eyes and so do I. I blurt out, "for the last time people, we do not accept credit."

The line that was now quite short, due to the fact it was in between classes, got even shorter with a bunch of people grumbling under their breath. I sigh and get Marcus' money, giving him the due change. Gail hands him the ticket.

He then turns to me, "I'd buy you a ticket, but volunteers get a free pass."

"Who said I wanted a ticket from you anyway?" I quip in anger.

Gail hides he face of amusement.

Ever since I found out for sure that the kings made a bet regarding me, I no longer gave them the benefit of the doubt. Of course I told everyone about it, and I warned Cece about her feelings over Javier. I have been ignoring them about as much as I could, and dismissed them whenever they talked to me. However, it seems they just think I'm playing around, and I mean Javier and Marcus. Dae-Hyun has been minding his business ever since our confrontation.

Marcus smiles, "harsh. No matter, Lilac. I'll see you at the dance regardless."

"Get outta here already, you're holding up the line," Gail blurts.

A few tickets later, and a bunch of adamant students trying to use their credit cards, Javier comes along to buy a ticket.

"Two tickets please," Javier says turning from me to Gail. Gail narrows her eyes, "whose the other for?"

"For Lilac of course," Javier replies confidently.

"Hey bird brain, she doesn't need a ticket. She has a free pass."

I turn to Gail, "it's fine, let him buy two tickets. It's for a good cause anyway."

Javier smirks, "In that case,  I'll buy 10 tickets."

"Ten tickets?" Gail raises her brows, "you do know that's like-"

"Here," he gives the exact amount. Gail looks up at him and rolls his eyes, "Whatever you say."

"When should I pick you up," Javier asks me. 

"Never o'clock. I'm not going with you."

Javier nods, pouting his lips, but not in defeat, "I'll be wearing blue. Keep that in mind."

When it's just the two of us, Gail groans, "what a bunch of jerks. Honestly, I feel bad for Cece for liking him." She sighs, "I'm so glad you don't like any of those idiots."

I lean on her shoulder, "me too." I then straighten up, "so, are you going to ask my brother out?"

"Eww, won't that be weird for you though?" Gail says, pulling a face.

I chuckle and nod, "Yeah, but also no. I'm kind of getting used to the idea you like him, y'know."

"Really? Aww, you're the best." Gail coos.

"Hey, do you guys take credit?" someone asks. We whip our head to the guy and groan, "NO!"

He flinches. 

I stand, "hold on, I'll go get a marker and write WE DON'T TAKE CREDIT on our stand."

"You do that," Gail agrees.

I head off to my locker and get my bag inside, where I then get my pencil case and marker. I put my things back and close my locker, only to have my wrist get caught by someone behind me.

I turn to whoever it was and my face falls, "I thought you said you'd mind your own business?"

Dae-Hyun lets go of me and crosses his arms, "No. I said you should mind your business."

"Well, I don't have any business with the likes of you, so excuse me."

I begin to walk away, except something blocks my feet and I fall to my palms and knees. I whine at the fall and feel my limbs throb. I turn to the guy who tripped me with an angry expression, "what the hell?"

Dae-Hyun frowns and puts his hands in his pockets. He clears his throat, "why have you been ignoring Javier and Marcus?"

I get to my feet and whine out, "what the hell are you talking about?"

"You used to look like you could actually be friends with them. The two morons didn't even notice how you've changed. But I did."

I shake my head at the idea he's been watching me. I scoff dryly, "Maybe because I'm sure now that you're all dirt people. But you should only be concerned about your girlfriend anyway, Dae-Hyun."

I storm off.

Dae-Hyun knits his brows, "no way."

"Did you tell Lilac about the bet?" Dae-Hyun demands, taking Mishka by the collar, slamming him against the wall. Catching one of the twins without his brother was a rare occurrence, and it was to Dae-Hyun's advantage, as he wanted information.

Mishka groans and moves to shove Dae-Hyun off. True, he was tall and lean as well, but Dae-Hyun had a lot more control over his body, with all the martial arts he knows.

The next thing Mishka knows, Dae-Hyun throws him to the ground, judo style.

Mishka is moaning in pain. Dae-Hyun presses his back, "TELL ME!"

"Kravinski told her! But she confronted us about it and hasn't talked to us since."

Dae-Hyun pulls away and heaves, "you little rat! I'll ruin your life. You and your brother's."

Miskha rolls over and sighs, "you already have." He then kicks Dae-hyun to the ground, "just stay away from everyone else." He stands up and leaves the Dae-hyun on the floor. Daehyun just stays there, thinking...

... what has he done? What has this come to?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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