XIX: Say It Out Loud

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"How how have things been in school? You've finished your group report by now, I assume." Hyun-Ki inquired with a sip from his champagne flute.

"We have," I gave a soft smile as the man in front of me looked with expectation. I turned away, noticing the look upon my brother's face. I snapped back to Hyun-Ki and spoke lowly, "We got a B-."

Hyun-Ki raised his eyes and lowered his glass, "A B minus?" He chuckled in disbelief, "You're teacher must be insane. You three broke your back over that report."

I gave him a small chuckle and nodded, "No. Andy and I burnt midnight oil, but Dae-Hyun... he was who-"

"Speaking of Dae-Hyun, how is it that you, his older brother, are friends with Lilac?"

Hyun-Ki shifted to face my brother and slightly and knit his brows, "Lilac did a project with him at our house."

"And what you bothered her while she was working?" Roux scoffed.

Hyun-Ki raised his brows, "No, but we did chat as I took her and her friend home."

"You took her home?" Roux questioned and turned to me. "I thought you and that Andy persona went home together?"

"And we did! Hyun-Ki drove us."

"I assumed you two walked or at least, if you had common sense, called a cab, an uber, something!"

"It was late, and I insisted. How could I let my brother's friends go home on their own at that hour?" Hyun-Ki called, making my brother throw him a look like daggers. "Yeah and that's the first problem right there. Lilac's not you and especially not your brother's friend."

Hyun-Ki raised brow, "Do you have a problem with my brother?"

I screwed my eyes shut and cussed. Everything was so going to blow up now.

Roux scoffed out a chuckle and stepped closer to the man in front of him, who as I think about is, was around his age but was a tincy-wincy taller than him. 

"I do, as a matter of fact, have a problem with your brother." He practically snarled, "the little fucker and his friends humiliated my sister and dunked vinegar on her on her second day of school."

"Roux," I pulled on his sleeve in hopes to halt him, but he only shook me away.

"And if you think for a fact it's okay for you to be around my sister, you have another thing coming, buster." Roux ended and grabbed me by my wrist, pulling me far away from the baffled looking Hyun-Ki.

"You didn't have to make such a big deal out of it." I scoffed out. 

My older brother scoffed all the same, "Make a big deal? You're lucky I didn't tell their father, Lilac."

"You wouldn't."

"And why wouldn't I?"

I gave him a face of disbelief, "Don't blow things out of proportion. It's bad enough that dad has to deal with an embezzlement and copyright scandal, and you want to add the the drama."

"Lilac, he-" "Save it. Just shut your mouth and be a perfect son for tonight."

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