XXXII: This Is Not How This Was Supposed To Go

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Guess where I am right now.

Javier's party.


I still didn't want to go, but it just so happened...

My family needs to.

And so that's why I'm hiding in the corner of the room where my brother was being chatted up by all these pretty girls in tight dresses and high heels. Roux never minded or never paid anyone mind so I wasn't really cramping up his style or anything.

I had my cheek rested against the back of his shoulder and I was sipping on some cold water.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be here because I despise Javier still, it's just that I've been really confused lately. Being here is just making me hate the kings for no reason, like, they recently helped me, so I really want to give them a chance you know.

I believe people can change, even the worst of them.

"Is she your sister?" one of the girls say and I feel Roux chuckle.

"Yeah, she kinda doesn't wanna be here."

"Aww, your such a sweet brother." one of them coos and I swear I feel myself puke a little.

"Tulila," he says and pulls away to turn to me, "I wanna get some food, you wanna come with me?"

I freeze and think about the chances of bumping into Javier. "No, I'm good, I'll stay here."

"I'll go with you," the three girls that had been hovering around say simultaneously. It's kinda creepy if you ask me.

Roux smiles politely, "Well if you want to I guess."

With this, my brother and the girls leave me in my corner without anyone to shield my face away.

I decide to look for my parents since Periwinkle wasn't here to play with, as she was with granny at home.

I put my hand behind my back and feel a gush of wind against my flowy white dress as my sneakers creep on the  floor.

"Lilac!" I hear a voice call.

Oh thank goodness. Is that dad? I' m so glad he--- 

I see a pale Korean, but his image is much welcomed. He brushes past a few people and smiles my way. Wow he was cute. I smile when he comes forward.

"Lilac," he says.

"Hyun-Ki," I reply with a smile and wave.

He lets out a breath and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Are you here alone?"

"Uh, no actually. I'm here with my family. What about you?"

He sighs, "I tried to get Dae-Hyun to come with me, but you know how he is."

Hyun-Ki stops for a moment only to continue, "Is your brother here?"

I nod.

"I feel like we got on the wrong foot, honestly. You know how it is when you're trying to protect your younger sibling right. And.." he shakes his head in disapproval,  "I had no idea Dae-Hyun did that to you."

I feel my cheeks burn at that.

"I want to apologize as his older brother. I should've known better than to speak without knowing full well your relationship with that bastard Dae-Hyun."

I find myself knitting my brows and pulling back at his words, "What? You don't have to cuss him out."

"Sorry. It's just that I... I thought that I had made it clear to him what would happen if he didn't stop his aggressiveness." he says in a low voice. He sighs again, "Anyway, I feel like I really got it in his head now, because he's been doing well lately and he's been in a good mood."

I tilt my head to this and nod.

Hyun-Ki asks, "What about you? How've you been? Anyone else bothering you?"

"... not... no."

"Ya," he says and suddenly takes my shoulders in his hands, "if Dae-Hyun, or anyone for that matter, bothers you, tell me okay. Your brother and I can beat them up. Gwenchana?"

I look at him and feel my heart flutter.


He smiles, "Okay."

Hyun-Ki and I wind up walking around the venue, which may I add is so lavish and wide. We make our way out to the garden and my heart drops.

Javier is there chatting to some friends loudly and suddenly turns to me, face dropping.

I turn to Hyun-Ki and grab his hand---FOR SOME REASON.

I stutter and turn to him, feeling my cheeks burn. I let his hand go and give a face, to which Hyun-Ki finds amusement and laughs at.

"Lilac," Javier who walked up towards says in a loud tone. The tanned man turns from Hyun-Ki to me and clears his throat. "I'm so glad you could make it," he says stiffly, not particularly glad sounding at all

He heaves and turns to Hyun-Ki, "I'm sorry, can I just borrow her for a second."

Hyun-Ki turns to him and raises his brows. The older of us three turns to me and gives a questioning look, "I mean... sure."


Javier then grabs my hand and pulls me off. It's not in a demanding way, but it's firm and it makes me nervous for a bunch of reasons.

When has he started becoming nice to me again?

"You're here," he says right after letting me go under a tree, next to a small fountain.

I shrug and nod, "My family dragged me here. Apparently, a bunch of important people are coming."

Javier seems annoyed, "Yeah. You don't have to tell me that I live here."

I knit my brows at him and his sour tone and expression and can't help but find myself scoffing out, "What do you need to say?"

Javier then looks at me, dumbfounded, like a deer caught in headlights.

He takes a moment and I cross my arms.

"... what's up with you and Hyun-Ki?"

My eyes widen and I feel my heat pound, "What?"

"Do you like him or something? Does he like you?"

"W-wh-- you pulled me aside to talk about this? He's Dae-Hyun's older brother. Not to mention he's older."

"What? He's about as old as your brother, so that's four years?" he says in a whiney voice.

I groan and roll my eyes, "No! He doesn't like me."

Javier raises a brow at me and waits.


"Do you like him."

"Sure," I shrug, "He's cute and nice to me."

Javier scoffs and mutters something under his breath, "Don't."

"Wow, and why shouldn't I?"

"Because I want you to like me.

Go on a date with me."

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