II: The First King

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(A/N: that is Marlon Teixeira [^^gif^^] who I picture as Javier Rosiario, also I am really sorry for any typos I have)

"What a joke." I scoffed just as the vexing man pushed past us with full smug and swagger in his arrogant walk.

"Lilac, you have no idea what you just did." She chuckled and pulled me away.

I looked at her with raised brows. "What's that supposed to mean? I just told a guy off for being rude and put him in his place." 

And with those words, the brunette laughed and wrapped an arm over my shoulder. "You just told off the king of Langley Academy on your first day. Thank goodness I was showing you around. If it was someone else..." she pulled her head back and chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "What? What do you mean 'king'?"

"I know it may sound weird hearing this like this, but believe me, this is the Langley hierarchy; this is your new reality. You'll get a better picture when we get to the cafeteria, Priscilla is honestly much better at telling stories than me. But since lunch is still an hour away, let's kill some time. Let's walk and talk, I'll show you all the places in school you should know about."

"This is the hallway prime. We call it that because it's where most of the interesting people happen to have homeroom in and this hallway is notorious for being the foundation of buzz. Our room would be the third one on the right. Room 105." Gail spoke as we passed that hallway. 

"The locker hallway is over here." she lead and I followed. 

I pursed my lips at the sight of the varying colors of blue lockers; the hue of blue ranged from baby blue to royal blue; it was an aesthetic masterpiece.

 As Gail took my admission papers from me to check what number locker I had, I turned to my shoes and recalled the incident I encountered a while ago.

"Ah, here we are, locker number 89." Gail mused as he did jazz hands on the floor length sky blue locker. She smiled and opened it for me, peeping out a Ta Da, as if what she did was a magic trick. I nodded half distracted, then closed the locker, turning to my newfound friend. 

"It's a nice spot. I've always wanted a locker by the window."

"So is he always like that?" I blurted out suddenly, cocking my head to a side.

"Who? Javier? The guy earlier?" She pouted softly before I nodded. She chuckled, "I mean, yeah. I can't really speak for the kings' behalf because their all so... so. Plus, I have a rule, that is never to talk bad of someone you don't actually know personally, and I only know them my reputation and slight minuscule interaction."

I knit my brows, "Wait? All? Do you mean he's not the only douche bag, self-proclaimed king here?"

Gail laughed and caught my arm, linking it with hers, "I like you, Dahlberg. You speak your mind, though that may get you in trouble if you're not careful." She smiled and pulled me off. 

"Come on, it's almost 12. Priscilla will tell you all about it at lunch."

I thought she was joking when she said it was almost twelve, but as we neared the cafeteria, passing a clock that read it was in fact 11:45, it had dawned to me time was moving seemingly so quickly in this school. I pursed my lips at the thought, I wonder if that'll be a good thing or a bad.

The cafeteria was huge, it had extremely high ceilings and it was so white and clear. There was an exposed second floor and massive windows that allowed light in, in turn the grand chandeliers looked more like décor, I wonder if they even worked. 

The Three Kings of Langley AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now