XXX: Is This A Start?

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The game started once more and the crowd was cheering wildly. Everything was a lot more intense since it was the final half of tonight's game. While most of the audience, Kai and Cece included, roared and chanted at the top of their lungs sith adrenaline firing between their veins, I on the other hand could no longer enjoy the game.

And this was all because my eyes kept searching for the person that has haunted me for so long, my ex named Stellan.

He knew how in control he was, even as he pretended that I wasn't here.

I hate his guts. so. much.

He made me believe I was never good enough, not unless I was with him-- that it was wrong to make plans that didn't involve him, that it was wrong to want different things, that it was wrong to speak out.

It took a lot to get him to get off my case after breaking up with him. All his manipulative lies broke my confidence. It was why I was so assertive and direct now.

I guess, there was a silver lining. All he was good for is making me a stronger person... in such a sick way...

Stellan turned to the crowd and ran his hand through his sweat dampened blonde hair, making girls squeal as he kicked the ball to the net.

Unlucky for us, he scored a goal.

He gave his signature, 'No problem' smirk and as he turned, locked eyes with me.

My breath hitched and I flinched away.

... even after so long, I still can't face him with the grit I grew.

Cece caught my hand, "Bebé, do you want to leave?" She screamed over the noise of the crowd, "he hasn't stopped looking at you since you noticed each other. I keep sending him death glares but he seems to only enjoy them."

I did want to leave. I really do want to leave. But it wouldn't be fair to Tommy.

"Listen, if you're worried about Tommy, I am pretty sure he'd want you to be comfortable, seeing he's so whipped for you." Cece added loudly, over the noise of the crowd, as if she heard my inner thought.

I was about to agree, but then I remembered what Tommy told me about the game tonight.

I felt my stomach swirl.

"He asked me out," I shouted at Cece, who then dropped her jaw.

"OH MY GOSH! What did you say?!"

"Well... the thing is, he only partially asked me out," I start and then explain the circumstance.

Cece laughs loudly, and the crowd goes wild for mixed reasons.

We both turn to the teams on the field, and Kai beside us is losing it so bad he stood up and threw a balled up paper bag with all his strength.


As we analyze what was happening, Cece sneaks in a sentiment, "To be expected of Tommy to be so sure of himself."

But the thing is, Tommy didn't look so sure of himself as he paced around the field. The other team was winning. Stellan looked so smug.

I feel a pit my stomach. "I don't think they're going to win." I say and turn to Cece. "Stellan is freaking psychotic. He will do anything to prove a point, and seeing me here tonight will make him want to win twice as much."

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