XV: Try Outs

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(A/N: Due to the fact I won a weekly ChickLit promt contest, I raise you this! Thank you for reading and I apologize for typos. Lego.)

"Tommy!" Kai called out, waving at the guy with a busted lip and a grazed cheek, beckoning him to come over and sit with us at our lunch table. It had been only yesterday that Dae-Hyun tackled him like a damn rugby player and yet Tommy had a cheery look upon his face.

"Oh my gosh, Tommy, are you okay?" Gail asked with a worried look, "We heard the Korean douche almost broke your nose."

"Yeah and we saw the video the devil in Prada posted." Nina spoke with a disgusted look upon her face as she held her phone which was playing the video itself. Tommy knit his brows and smiled as he watched the unfolding of events. "Ooooh, that's gotta hurt," he joked with a soft chuckle.

"Thomas," Cece called with a pout, "How are you feeling?"

The guy with dark hair pushed his head back in a fit of chuckles and sat down on our table, "Honestly, all the attention I'm getting over this video makes me feel special." Kai, who was next to him, nudged his shoulder lightly upon hearing that. Tommy laughed again and turned between us, "Aww, see, it just makes you feel like a special snowflake when you have friends that worry like that after someone deliberately tries to injure you."

Cece scoffed, "I fricking cannot believe he'd do that to his own teammate! That damn Lee Dae-Hyun has always played dirty, but this is just--" she didn't get to finish her sentence for she was only capable of letting out an annoyed groan after.

"Hey," Tommy raised a hand, "I'm alright. He was probably just frustrated that I kept scoring and he didn't. You guys don't have to blow things out of proportion."

"Yeah but I saw the whole thing Tommy. He could've broken your arm of something-" "I know, but he didn't." Tommy nodded in disagreement with lips pursed in a small smile, "I was actually waiting on him to do his worst but he didn't."

"Damn asshole," Kai snorted, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"But hey, I should be a little thankful because without him, none of you would've invited me to your table."

"Hey, okay, that is so not true!" Nina protested, making Gail cheer out a "Yeah!"

"In case you've forgotten, Sato, you don't each lunch because you'd rather play football with your buddies in this time of day." Cece raised a brow and flipped her hair his way, making each of us laugh. Tommy raised his hands in defeat, "Fine, you caught me. Whatever."

My phone suddenly vibrated.

In Medias Rex: I can't pick you up today. Things are getting crazy at the office. Sorry.

): it's fine. Have you eaten lunch yet?

:) yes ma'am


Don't worry blondie. I've called for backup to get this shit under control.

Good then. Take care of mom and dad.

Always. Study hard loser


"Who's that?" Tommy asked amidst the chatter that was happening between them as I texted. I smiled at him, "Older brother." He smiled and nodded at that in a sort of relieved way, which made me chuckle softly at his reaction.

" He smiled and nodded at that in a sort of relieved way, which made me chuckle softly at his reaction

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