XXIX: Game Time

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"Hey Roux," I said, as my brother and I walked to school. He hummed at that and turned to me, "I'm going to a football game today, remember?"

"That's today?"

I nodded. He knit his brows, "Didn't you tell me the morons are on the football team?"

My lack of a retort ticked him off. 

"You know you never told me what happened to you that one time."

"It's fine Roux, I already told the principal about it. She said she'd get to the bottom of it."

My brother narrowed his eyes, "Wait, is this why you asked if she was a good person? Do you think she won't do anything about it?"

I turned to my brother and sighed, "I really don't know, Roux. I really don't."

He nods, "Well, if she doesn't, I'll become the principal of your school."

I roll my eyes and chuckle, "Moron. You're under-qualified for that."

"What? All grandma has to do is say the word."

"Ew, and you want to be that type of person?"

"... Touché, Tulila."

I arrive at school and bro-fist my brother as a goodbye, "I'll be going with Cece and Kai to the game anyway."

"Alright. Stay safe. Call me if there's trouble."

I walk to my locker and fix my things.

Suddenly, someone jumped behind me, causing me to jolt up in surprise. "Hey Lilac."

I clasp my chest and turn to the guy who spoke up. I let out a breath, "Geez, Tommy. I nearly dropped my books to my feet."

He pulls his lips down, "Sorry."

I chuckle and close my bag and locker, "It's fine." I sling my bag behind me and turn to him, "What's up?"

Tommy clears his throat, "Well, I just wanted to remind you that today's the game."

I laugh and nod my head, "I know Tommy. I already told my brother to pick me up after."

"O-oh. Oh great! That's great." he says and I chuckle again.

For a moment, we just stand there and I can't help but notice how he couldn't make eye contact, how he shuffled around, and rubbed his arm. I pursed my lips, was he about to ask me out or something?

"So..." Tommy trailed off.

"So?" I mimicked and laughed.

"You know how I'm the leader of the football team and the star player?"

I let out a chuckle, "Mmhmm, oh arrogant one."

"W-wha- I-- No! I'm not being arrogant or--" "I'm kiddingggg!!!"

Tommy pouts and faces his left, wiping his face because he thinks that if he did I wouldn't catch the red on his skin. "So... I back to what I was saying." Tommy said turning back to me with a face of determination, "I am very sure that we'll win because we've been working really hard."

I nod at this.

"So... if we do... will you go out with me?"

I pull my head back and laugh, "Okay. Hold on. If, and only if you win, you want me to go on a date with you?"

"... yes?"

I burst out in a laugh and nod, "So if you lose, or have a draw, I won't?"


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