V: A King's Origin

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(A/N: Booboo Stewart as Kai. SORRY FOR TYPOS)

I wiped my freshly showered hair off with a towel. Thank all things sweet there wasn't anyone home besides my brother and I.

"Those fucking punks. I can't believe they even got a king after I left!" Roux mumbled making me roll my eyes.

"It's all your fault then! If an egotistical moron like you hadn't made a dumb hierarchy then I nor anyone else would have to deal with shit like this."

Roux scoffed, "Tulila, I didn't elect myself. I became king because that's what everyone started calling me." He shuffled on my bed where we had lazily propped ourselves on. "And I never even went after anyone who crossed me, especially not without good reason."

I chuckled dryly, "Too bad brother, I talked back to them on my second day there and apparenty that's good enough reason."

His jaw tightened, "And did you insult them in any way?"

"I called them out for their rudeness." I spoke flatly.

And here my brother pursed his lips and nodded. "Okay then, I got this covered."

I scoffed and got the biggest pillow on my bed, "Idiot." I hit him with the pillow, "Just let it go, Roux!" My brother gave me a glare. I huffed and hit him again, "I'll get back at them soon enough by doing the right thing."

Roux scoffed, "And how do you suppose to do that?"

"By being the bigger person and by killing them with kindness, all justified by law. It's not hard to do if you're smart like me, In Medias Res."

He chuckled and pushed my shoulder, mostly, I knew, because of the nickname I used on him. It never died after I learned it in school years ago. 

He then grabbed my cheeks and chuckled dryly, annoyed. I pushed him off and punched his shoulder. 

"You're right, I have such a smart sister."


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"Lilac!" I heard a voice call out for me as I made my way down the hall. I saw it was Nina, Gail, and Cece, all waiting for me with concerned looks on their faces. They then suddenly ran towards me and embraced me, murmuring out sorries and are-you-alrights. 

I smiled against their warmness and nodded, "Yes. Thank you all so much for caring."

Nina nudged me, "You know, you don't have to be so cynical."

I chuckled and nudged her back, "I wasn't being cynical. I'm... just happy that I already have such good friends." I trailed off.

"Hey." Gail caught my arm, "What Marcus said about getting people to be loyal to you... don't take his stupid words to heart." 

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