XXIII: Defensive Offences

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I made my way downstairs; it was six am probably and I needed a glass of water.

"What do mean you're on it?" my mother spoke, exasperated. "You've been telling me the same bullshit for months now!"

There was a crashing sound that made me jolt up as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I am working on it as hard as I can, woman! It's easier said than done!"

I heard my mother huff, jaggedly, "It better get easier, or else, I fucking swear Alexander."


I shuddered at their voices that continued to bicker and felt tears start to well in my eyes.

My dad kept barking on up until there was a loud slapping sound. With that, I clenched my jaw tightly and tip toed in the other direction, making sure I would not be spotted.

I felt a hot tear stream down my face. I roughly wiped it away on the sleeve of my sweater.

There was no way I could go back to sleep at this point. I then ran to the door, running out of patience and ran down the block, feeling the cold air surround around me.

Once I felt I was far enough, I slowed down and wrapped my arms around myself. The dam of tears then broke and I couldn't hold them back.

Did this mean the end of my family?

I crouched down and covered my face.

Is this where it all ends?

A shiver ran down my spine. I looked up and sniffled roughly. I stood and gulped, let's get moving.

The neighborhood was asleep even though the sun was almost up. But then again, the neighborhood was always asleep. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen anyone walk around here.

But I guess I spoke too soone.

There was muttering from afar.

I turned around and quickly recoiled.

I then started walking faster up until I heard my name being called.

I panicked and started speed walking away.

Sadly for me, those who spotted me were persistent and ran over to me.

"Oi Dahlberg, what the meaning of th--" the one of the two spoke until they caught sight of me.

I turned away from the brothers as they turned to each other.

"Pochemu ona vsegda plachet, kogda my vidim yeye?"* I heard one of them mutter.

They continued blabbering in foreign tongue until I had the guts to face them only so I could shoo them away.

Miska and Sashka looked at me with concern laced in their expressions. Mishka knit his brows, "Is someone bothering you, solnyshko?^"

(In Russian via google translate: *"Why is she always crying when me see her?" ^small sun [it's a term of endearment])

Sashka nudged his brother and gave him a look. Mishka shurgged.

I looked betweeen them and couldn't help but chuckle, "No. No. I just... I had a bad dream."

The two frowned. Sashka spoke, "So when you have a bad dream you walk around and cry?"

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