XVII: Go Away

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I got out of the car just as my brother called out for me, "Hey. Remember, we can't be late okay. The moment the bell rings you run out here so we can get out of here."

"You said that ten times now."

Roux shrugged, "My sister's a kid who can't remember squat."

I raised my upper lip then stuck my tongue out, earning a chuckle from my older brother. "Be safe, Tulila."

As I walked into school, passing through the gates guarded by a man who I've known to call Yoyo-Kyle, (he plays with yoyos, deal with it) I headed to my locker and pulled out and put in some of my things.

"I don't understand why you even use lockers," someone spoke, just as I closed the locker door and saw the smug face of Marcus. "It's really just inconvenient to store something up where you have to walk over to. Just have someone else to carry it."

My brows quirked up as I fixed my backpack on my shoulders. I looked at him then walked past him, earning a dry chuckle of disbelief.

"Hey," he caught my wrist, then gave me a pout, "you should be more considerate of my feelings because you and I will be hanging out today."

I forced a smile and my hand away, "Sure." I walked away.

"See you later!" he called, not bothering following me.

"See you later!" he called, not bothering following me

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"Dahlberg, O'Whitely, Lee." Mr. Poswich called the moment the group before us finished 'another lousy report'. 

I huffed and found Gail's face when I turned. 

She gave me a thumbs up and a wide smile, just as one of the Vanstran brothers beside her gave me a softer smile.

The three off us rose from our seats, Dae-Hyun went back to operate the computer for our report. I huffed and went in front where the projector flashed our report for today.  Andy, who stood next to me, gave my shoulder a squeeze before we started.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a report," then she quickly bent down and whispered in my ear, "Lourdes."

I looked up at him and nodded my head in disagreement at his tease. 

I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips, "It's my middle name."

He smiled, nodding, "Interesting..." He breathed in sharply, "Good morning everyone. Today we will be reporting, or rather, continue reporting the lengthy report the class was assigned to have about the Romans."

And so, Andy and I took turns to read and explain each slide, all the while our teacher kept and expressionless look upon his face and did nothing but turn to his paper and look back at us with bitterness.

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