XXXIII: Listen To The Signs

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"Because I want you to like me. Go on a date with me."

I pull my head back and blink rapidly. I knit my brows, "What did you just say?"

Javier clenches his jaw, "... go on a date with me."

I break out into a laugh that fades into a frown, "seriously?"

"We... we got off on a bad start. If anything, I just want to show you I'm not a bad guy," Javier says in a soft tone.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed at him, suddenly remembering all that he had done to me. But then at the same time my heart was pounding in my chest because he had been gentler recently.

"We don't even have to label it as a date. Just... an apology for being a douche."

I raise my brows, "Do you really mean it?"

Javier perks up at my question, "Sim*. With my whole heart." *yes in portuguese

I nod, "Alright then." 

Javier breaks into a wide grin upon hearing that.

"But don't expect too much, Rosario."

He pulls a goofy look, "Bebé, things are very different now. Tomorrow then? After classes?"

I shrug, "Sure. And don't call me baby." With thay being said, I twirl around and walk away. I go off and look for my brother, instead I find my mom.

Javier on the other hand clenched his fist in fvictory and did a small happy dance upon getting the agreement he was waiting for. He went back to his friends with a smug look on his face but a tight lip on why.

"There you are, honey," my mom says, beckoning me near. "You, my dear, are a superstar," she says laughing, placing an arm over my shoulder and turning to the large dark skinned man in front of us that looked equally pleased.

"You must be Lilac Dahlberg," he says in a deep tone. "My name is Anderson Tyson. And you my dear are an angel to me."

I give a nervous chuckle and turn to my mom for guidance. The two adults find my reaction adorable apparently, as my mom coos out.

"Do you know him, Lilac," she asks me

I take a moment and  shake my head slowly in disagreement.

The man laughs, "Fair enough. I don't think a young lady like you would worry about stocks and trades so early on."

"Hmm, her older brother was the one that took on the task early on so her sisters wouldn't have to," my mom says in a proud tone.

"What a dutiful son," Mr. Tyson agrees, seemingly also proud.

"That and he had always been into numbers."

I look at them as the speak and wonder why I'm a superstar in all of this.

"Oh right," Mr. Tyson remembers me, "I've heard many things about you through my son."

I pull my head back, "Son?"


"Marcus D'Froi?"

He purses his lips and nods. I then remember Cece telling me Marcus' parents were not in good terms. I then proceed to smile. I shrug and turn to my mother, "Ms. D'Froi said the same thing to me last time." I turn back to Mr. Tyson, "Honestly, I don't know why."

Mr. Tyson laughs, "How modest. But you are obviously very close to him since you got to meet Margaux."

I want to tell him that we're really not and that I only met Marcus' mom because we did a project together. I couldn't when my mom spoke up, "Anyway darling, you put our family in kind favor for being so kind to Marcus."

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