XXVI: Whistle Blower

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After a really long day of physical and mental abuse, I looked forward to going home like a wild animal longing to roam back in its natural habitat. I had Kai dive me back home. Though the wonder twins insisted on driving me back, as they were the ones that picked me up in the first place, I refused them.

When I got home, I knew it would be quiet. My older brother had work and so did my parents. Grandmother told me she and my younger sister would go out shopping, so I was pretty much safe.

I removed Kai's extra helmet and thanked him.

"Call me if anything ever comes up, okay?" he says after taking the helmet from me, placing it in the back compartment, and vrooming away.

I sniffled and wiped my nose, heading inside.

I squeal at the sudden shout of my name.


I turn to whoever spoke and easily found Roux. He was in the same clothing he woke up in, an indication he did not even leave the house, meaning he lied about going to work to catch me. His eyes were stern, his arms were crossed, and his brows were knit.  "Spill your guts or I will eat your guts."

I huffed, "I'm not in the mood."

He started laughing. Suddenly his amused face fell and he stepped forward, "Does it look like I care?"

"Roux!" I raise my voice and push past him, "it doesn't matter because whatever is happening with me is my business and I can handle it."

"Says the girl who got dunked in vinegar!" he snorts and grabs my wrist. "Tulila, you don't have to handle this on your ow--" "Yeah? That's what you think, but I really do." I break away from him and feel my eyes well with tears.

I look at him and his face of concern.

 I let out a breath, "You know those kings..."

Roux nods instantly.

"Well, I'm reporting them to the principal tomorrow."

My brother's eyes widened and I purse my lips. "I guess you'll hear all about it when they call our parents anyway, so there's no point in telling you everything that happened now."

I move to go up the stairs. Once I was on my way to my room, my brother rushed to me, "But are you okay, Tulila?"

I spare him a look and nod, "I'm just tired, s'all."

Roux nodded at this, "I support your decision 100%, sis."

"I know," I say before going inside my room.


The next day, I decided to wait until after classes to go to the principal's office. I also decided against telling the gang about my plan, not because I didn't trust them or anything, but because I want this issue to be as small as possible.

Kai, I think, was suspecting I was going to do something big today, which is why the rest started to suspect as well. But it was Gail that really caught on.

"So you're not going to report them to the principal's office?" she poked during lunchtime as everyone else looked on her interrogation.

She nearlt made me falter, but I remained strong.

"For the millionth time Gail, shut up. We're just getting lunch; I'm just getting lunch. Geez."

"Honestly," Nina said as Cece asked from some pasta, "I think you should tell the principal what has been happening."

"I agree," Cece chimes in. I suck in a breath as I get some chopsuey from the cafeteria lady. "They have been going around this too far, and I think it'll end abruptly if Esther Sweeting's granddaughter attests to all the bullshit that has been happening."

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