XXVII: The Other Side

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It was my last subject for the day and both Javier and Marcus opted skip class today, leaving me only to deal with an insufferable Dae-Hyun that had fully enjoyed bickering with me, even though Mr. Pozwich shot him the dirtiest glares.

I bid the quickest goodbye to Gail, telling her I had to leave as soon as possible. She didn't have time to call me out, as I was already out of the door.

I was suddenly just in front of the principal's office.

I sucked in a breath and held it in, reaching my hand out to the door knob. The moment I placed my hand on the metal, the door opened on it's own.

I gasp and step back. My heart was beating in my ears.

A bright skinned woman wearing a blue top appeared and smiled at me. "Oh, bonjour!"

I smile back at the woman I had met only once. " Hello Mrs. D'Froi."

She smiles again, "Miss, actually."

My jaw slacks, "Ah, I'm sorry I imposed."

"It's alright," she bid in her heavy accent. "I suppose Marcus hasn't told you about his papá. It's surprising honestly, I thought you two were very close, considering how much he talks about you."

My brows raised, "He talks about me? W-why?"

She laughs, "Oh, I don't know, why do boys talk about girls?"

I felt my face drop. Ms. D'Froi laughs at this. "I'm only teasing. Don't worry." She smiles once more. This time, I see just how perfect her teeth are. "Anyway, Marcus will be away for a few days for..." she trailed off and thought of a word for a moment, "family reasons. I would appreciate it if you kept him updated in the homework needed."

"Oh, oh, uh, y-eah. Sure."

"Thank you," she places her hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, what's your name again?"

I smiled, "Lilac. Lilac Dahlberg."

With this, she nods and repeats my name. "Thank you for being such a good influence on my son."

My eyebrows raised, "I- wha..."

"Oh, well, I suppose you must be part of the reason why he actually attends his classes now, at least his Science. I have all his teachers text me to tell me if he attends. Are you not in his science class, bebé?"

I fell silent and only forced a smile.

"Ah, at any rate, thank you for befriending him. You seem like a nice girl."

I bit my lower lip and nodded. She then kisses my cheek and waves goodbye. My cheeks burn slightly at her sentiment.

Once she was gone, I was faced in front of the door that suddenly felt so large and terrifying.

I was helping that moron? Marcus?

I release a huff and rub my eyebrows with my pointer and thumb out of frustration. I mean, Miss D'Froi wouldn't lie to me. What could she possibly gain? I sigh and feel my mind spill into the memory of Javier inviting me to a party.

I push the thought away and reach my hand out for the knob. I turn it and step into the cold room. Immediately, a young secretary greets me.

"Hello miss. How may I help you today?"

"Hi," I smile at the pretty woman, "I would like to have a speak to the principal, if she is available."

"Ah, I apologize miss, but she told me to leave her undisturbed for the time being because she will be making quite a number of important calls today. After, she has an appointment with the department of education. What is it you have to tell her?"

I purse my lips, "Uh... it's quite personal so..."

"Hmm. I see. Well, if you don't want me to pass a message to her, I suppose you can always come back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Will she be available by then?"

"Unless there is an emergency, she does not have any busy schedules tomorrow, so I guess she will be."

I nod my head at that. "I see. I'll come back tomorrow then."

The woman smiles, "Alright."

I step out of the office and feel a lump in my throat drop down to my stomach.

"You know what would be great right now," I mutter to myself, "some Lychee juice."

"Ya, what are you still doing  here?" a voice spoke, causing me to jump up and squeal. The guy knit his brows and gripped the straps of his bag. "Why are you so jumpy?" Dae-hyun asks, turning to the door behind me. "Are you going to rat me out to the dean?" he chuckles out a scoff, "aren't you a little too spineless for that?"

I turn to him and find myself fuming.

He is fully satisfied with my reaction.

"Are you doing anything today, Dahlberg?"

I roll my eyes, "As if that's any of your business." Upon saying this, I see Andy from down the hallway, and I remember instantly that he wanted to have a word with me. "Andy!" I call and wave at him, all before running towards him.

Or at least I tried running to him. Dae-hyun held me back.

"What do you want with him?" he asked with sass, gripping my forearm tightly.

I shoot him a glare and shake him off, not even replying to what he asked. I jog over to Andy and raise my brows at him, "Hey. What did you want to say?"

Andy turns form me to Dae-Hyun from afar. "I want to use you as an anonymous source," he says under his breath. I knit my brows at this and lean closer, "For what?"

"I'm exposing the kings."


"Listen, it's the only way to get something done with them."

I cocked my head to the side and gave him a cynical look, "Well.. have you tried talking to the principal about it?"

Andy huffs then barks, "Did you?"

"I-I.. yeah.. sorta."

"Did Samantha say the principal is busy?"

I guess Samantha was the secretary? "... yeah but she told me to come back tomorrow."

"Alright. Go tomorrow." Andy fixes his bag, "If-- when she tells you it's nothing to worry about, think about what I told you." The tall guy purses his lips and nods his head. He walks back and shoots a finger gun at me, "See ya later, Lilac-Lourdes."

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