XXXVIII: Light Out Of The Dark

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(A/N: I always imagined Jessica Henwick as Jenny, who is in pic. We're almost at the end of this story. I'm almost finished writing it. Thank you so much for reading and supporting. Comment and votes motivate me to update faster so don't forget to leave one!)


It was a Sunday night.

I was laying in bed, going through my internet feed. It was getting pretty late. I was only passing the time with some memes and youtube videos. That is, up until I receive a text from Andy that read: Check I posted something on our school paper

Well, talk about abrupt.

I decide not to reply to him yet, only after I've checked what he posted. And so I go to our school's website, go to the news section and see a new article. My stomach drops at the title.

The Three "Kings" of Langley Academy

           Everyone who goes to Langley Academy is well aware that there is an explicit hierarchy between the rest of us students and three specific personas. For years they have been at the top of the food chain, doing what they pleased, taking what they want, and never caring for others. Before it was easy to turn a blind eye, then nearly impossible, now it is simply loony to stand still when the exact same wrongdoings are being repeated.

I sit up from my bed where I lie and finish reading what Andy wrote publicly. He mentioned no names, used nothing from my experiences, but he keeps mentioning that the kings are repeating the same things they did before. It makes me feel like I'm about to vomit.

This was dangerous still. It was obvious who it was about, even if no one was pointed at, not to mention it was released on our school's news site for crying out loud.

Lilac: Why did you make this article?!? And what are they repeating????

Andy: It's a really long story. I'll tell you tom

I growl and fall to my back in frustration. Clearly, I was going to be having trouble sleeping.

Thankfully, the next day, Andy was already waiting for me by my locker when I arrived. Immediately he pulled me to the side and started spilling.

"Her name is Jenny," Andy started, ruffling his hair with his tattooed arm. I knit my brow and begin to wonder why somehow I feel like this name is related to him.

"She was..." he starts then chuckles dryly, "my first love."

I knit my brows and examine his face, "what did they do to her?"

"Something like what they're doing to you" he says blankly, "they made a bet. Marcus and Javier 'liked'  her in a sick way, so they made a bet among themselves to see who could break her first. Whoever wins gets to keep her."

My face contorts in disgust, "do you mean to say the kings made a bet on me?"

Andy clenches his jaw and shrugs, "I... I honestly don't know. I hope not... and honestly-" he sighs, "I don't think so, but only because they've been a lot nicer to you than Jenny, trust me."

I raise my hand, "Wait, so where's Jenny now?"

"She moved schools."

I frown, "It was that bad?"

Andy makes an undecipherable look. I look up at him and place a hand on his arm. I bite my lower lip, "you said she was your first love... this must be hard for you to talk about."

The Three Kings of Langley AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now