XXXV: Opportunities & Consequences

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There was a lot happening now.

One of the things happening at present was Javier tried to sit with me, with us-- as in Gail, Cece, Nina and Kai during lunch.

That turned out bad, as in Kai nearly threw his lunch at Javier, but thankfully it didn't. 

"Listen, if you don't like Javier, tell him straight because you'll end up hurting yourself and him, and dios mio, I do not wsnt to see him on a rampage," Cece points out, pouting and groaning.

I look at her as she stabs her mashed potatoes, "Hey. This is just a question... but do you like Javier."

Cec chokes on her food. Nina spits her coke and Gail looks at me like I was a ghost. 

Kai gives a dirty look, "I think she's right. Pricilla does keep defending him."

Gail rolls her eyes. Cece pipes up and steams, "I do not like Andrés Cristíano Javíer Emanuél Alonzo Rosarío!"

I raise my brows at her. Kai shakes his head in disapproval.

Nina who wiped herself off notes, "well you did just say his full name."

"I just new he had another name with an E in it," Gail whispers.

Cece groans, "Well I know everyone's full name, Karenina Yves Heugh Von Wolff and Abigail Ashley Arquette Alonso."

I shake my head, "I'm not trying to attack you, Cece. I wanted to say it's like fine, because it is. And he's..." I shrug, "kinda nice. I don't see why you shouldn't like him."

"Except he likes you, Lilac." Cece cocks her head and knits her brows. "You want me to like him when he clearly will do anything for you?"

"No! Look. I'm not trying to make you do anything. I'm not trying to fight. I'm saying I think-- or I thought you like him and I'm saying it's fine because I do not like him." Not really.

Cece narrows her eyes at me, "Look if you do like him and are just saying this to deny your feelings, you don--"

"Okayyyy," Kai butts in, "that's enough of that. Why don't we go to PE now? Right."


I huff as we go huddle up by our teacher who is abput to discuss volleyball.

I crane my neck to find Tommy in the crowd.

He texted me 6 times yesterday. But after I replied late when I got home, he was back to ignoring me.

"You look terrible," a deep voice suddenly speaking beside me makes me gasp. I turn to see Dae-Hyun smirking, except he has a busted lip.

I knit my brows at him, "How'd you get that?"

His expression darkens, "We're here to talk about how bad you look."

I raise my brows and humor him, "ok. Why do I look bad?"

His face falls slightly. "What, you're not gonna fight back?"

I look off to our teacher, "Well, I know you. And you're getting old."

He grabs my hand just as our teacher tells us to stand and split into two teams.

"You know as a varsity member, I don't have to be here," Dae-Hyun seethes. I knit my brows at him and give him a confused look, "alright then leave?"

He sighs, "I mean Sato isn't here."

I pull away from him and feel a mix of emotions, somehow I am hurt by his comment. "Why do you care? And how do you know I'm looking for Tommy?"

Dae-Hyun narrows his eyes almost painfully, "Uh, you're not really a hard book to read, Lilac."

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