XXXI: Thanks?

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"Hey..." I say as I knock on my brother's door. Roux is busy on the phone, shuffling through papers. I knit my brows and wait to see if he'll notice me.

When he does he waves me off and moves to close the door.

I huff.

Well so much for that.

Now who am I going to ask about this?

I go back to my room feeling slightly defeated. I frown as I think again about what happened yesterday. The kings stood up for me. All of them along with the twins and Kai.

I huffed and jumped on my bed, belly down. I wiped my face and sighed. Boy was I glad today was a weekday. I barely got any sleep because of this heavy train of thoughts I had.

I move to grab my phone propped on the bedside table and see a bunch of notifications on twitter and facebook. I turn off the wi-fi upon seeing they're mostly related to Stellan, my friends in New York were power-sharing the video Marcus posted.

Who could I talk to about this big question in my mind that wouldn't give a biased answer?

I mean, Gail would be straight up, so would Nina. Vece and Kai were there so their answers would be more thsn valid. But they were on my side. I didn't want them to lean their answers on me.

I mean of course Roux would also be on my side, but he's older than me and I really respect his opinion.

I scroll through my contacts and see Andy.

Yeah. I mean, if he hears about what happened, his own perspective of the kings may change. Right, I--

"Tulila," the voice of my little sister makes me turn my head to the door. "Wanna play dollys with me?"

I turn to her and sit up. Perfect. I'll ask her.

"Sure Peri," I smile and beckon her to sit down on the bed next to me.

She beams and runs off, probably to get her dolls.

Once she comes back, she jumps on my bed and begins telling me the prompt of today's game.

Through her explanation, I turned to her slowly and piped in my lingering thought, "Periwinkle."

She pouts and reciprocates, "Lilac."

"If someone bad-- a bully, who did nasty things to you, like, like... call you names and push you around, would you want to be friends with them?"

Periwinkle tilts her head, "Mommy always says that if someone is bad to you, you have to be a bigger person. I would tell my teacher about them, but I don't think I'd want to play with them or be their friend."

I nod and smile upon hearing this.

"Look, princess Snow Beam likes eating frosty cakes with princess Charlotte!" she cheers and pretends her dolls were eating the plastic cakes on the bed.

I nodded and continues to coo along with her.

"What about if the bully becomes nice to you, and starts... helping you out?" I say as Periwinkle giggles over her previous dialogue of needing to poop because of eating so much.

She turns to me and smiles, "Well then that means the bully is trying to be a good person. If they say sorry, then it means they mean it."

I turn to my sister, as wise as a kid can be and turn to her dolls.

"Why? Is there as school bully?"

I look at my sister and shake my head, "W-- I... I don't think so."

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