VIII: The Second King

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(A/N: Kim Woo-Bin as Lee Dae-Hyun. SORRY FOR TYPOS I MISSED)

"What do mean Javier apologized?" Cece practically fainted. "AND WHAT THE HECK IS 'HE EVEN INVITED ME TO LUNCH' SUPPOSED TO MEAN?"

"I mean he kept bothering me the whole day yesterday and I don't even know why." I groaned as I stuffed my bag in my gym locker to the right of Cece's, which was next to Gail's, which was next Nina's. It was a miracle that we all had PE class together, along with English; even Kai was here, just not here-here because we were in the girl's locker room.

"But WHY?" Cece groaned out and sighed, slamming her locker door shut. "What possessed that man to be like that all of a sudden?" Nina added.

"Honestly, I have no clue." I spoke as I crouched down and tied my shoe lace.

"He probably must've hit his head or something." Gail scoffed a chuckle. "But whatever it is, it seems fishy so don't let your guard down, Lilac." she added makig me smile. 

"Don't worry, I won't."

"Okay, gather 'round children." our bald PE teacher called from the middle, right side of the gymnasium as we bunched up in front of him. He motioned for us to sit down and sit down we did.

 "Alright, today we're going to do a physical fitness test where we get your physical statistics, heart beat measurement, etc. So, first off, get a partner, measure your height and weight then once everyone's finished, we're gonna take a jog and see who here is jelly and who is an aspiring Usain Bolt."

As our teacher, Mister Abner explained and discussed our activity further, from the corner of my eye, I noticed a pale, uninterested looking man.

 My jaw dropped, "We have PE with Dae-Hyun?" I whispered to Gail who then turned to the direction I was looking. 

She nodded and sighed, "Not only that, but the Devil Duo is here too."

"Do you mean the twins that freaking dragged me to the three idiots?"

Gaul agreed with pursed lips, "The devils themselves."

"Right, so get your butts up and get moving!" Mr. Abner clapped.

We got up and huddled up by the weighing scale, Cece and Nina got the luxury of going first. "What goes on ladies?" 

Kai greeted with a smile. 

"Lilac, I'd like you to meet Thomas Sato." he introduced a tall, dark haired guy that had a smile on his face. "Tommy, this is Lilac Dahlberg."

"Nice to meet you," I extended a hand. He took it and shook it. 

Kai snickered, "How formal and proper." I glared at him then hit his shoulder. 

Thomas chuckled, "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I am told I sometimes am too blunt. Anyway, it's no secret, what the kings did to you," he spoke, instantly making my cheeks heat up, "And I just want to say that since your a friend of Kai's, I am a friend of yours. Since I do not believe in oppression of the weak and that we should help the lesser, if you ever need me to help beat someone up for you, I'd gladly do so." 

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