XVIII: Familial Errs

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I was whisked away to my locker where Marcus then looked at me expectantly. "Well, chop chop, we have to Science class to get to."

I narrowed my eyes at him and groaned. Nonetheless, I switched out what was inside my bag and placed it with all that I needed. Apparently that was enough for Marcus to have a smug looking face. 

Just as I zipped my backpack up, I was quickly dragged off somewhere else. I whined and tried to fight back, but he had a good grip and I just couldn't break free.

Once he was satisfied with our location, which happened to be the hallway where I first encountered this particular king, he looked at me and crossed his arms. "Since I'm going to be your partner in science, you should know we have a project coming up and I think we should do it at my place."


"Don't be intimidated, I'm a Frenchman; etiquette was invented in my country."

I knit my brows at that. "Marcus, we don't even ha--" but I cut myself off with a scoff, knowing it was pointless. I raised my brows and crossed my arms, "You pulled me away for this? To ask me out on a date?"

Marcus chuckled, "Ahh, petite fille, you have quite the imagination. It's not a date... unless--" I threw my head back and laughed loudly, in the most fake quality I could muster up, not at all allowing him to finish his sentence.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to get to class."

"Before the bell rings, pop quiz: who was better Edison or Tesla?" our science teacher blurted out in the last ten minutes of class

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"Before the bell rings, pop quiz: who was better Edison or Tesla?" our science teacher blurted out in the last ten minutes of class. 

No one in class spoke a word and I only kept my head in my hand.

"It's a question a lot of people ask when the topic of electricity comes up. Now, what I want you to do, is get a partner and do your research, keep an open mind at first and think for yourselves, 'who is better?' or 'who do I prefer?'. Now my class is science not debate, but I would like to engage my students because... apparently I am too boring of a teacher."

Marcus snickered beside me and then gave a smirk, "So, do you want to do the project today...?"

I huffed and ignored him, "Mr. Royce, when is this project due?"

Marcus mumbled under his breath, "Monday."

"Monday," Mr. Royce repeated a second later.

I nodded and huffed, turning to Marcus. "I can't today, tomorrow, maybe."

He smiled and pursed his lips. "I'm not available tomorrow, only tonight." I shrugged and huffed, hearing the bell ring. I stood up and pat his shoulder, "I guess we do it some other day then."

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