XIII: The Third King

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(A/N:  dat be my boy tidiou m'baye who is the infamous marcus. This chapter ended up getting chopped in two due to the fact it came out too long. Sorrryyyy. LOVE YOU!)

Guess what, Abigail Alonzo abandoned me and called in sick, therefore I am left to battle the horrors of Langley Academy on my own for today and tentatively tomorrow. Yay!

What's worse was I had class today that held students I do not know, but they all seemed to know me well, judging by the judging looks on their faces. What the hell, what did I do?

Pulling out my phone, I texted Cece, Nina, and Kai:


Fiery Fox (Nina, just because she's a red head): ahhh, sci class is supposed to be lonely :p

The True Queen Empress (Cece, who found Andy's nickname for me so amusing she dubbed herself that, on my phone that is): WAIT A LITTLE LONGER, IT'S ALMOST LUNCH TIME BABY!!!!!!!!!!

My Favorite Contact <3 (Kai, whose name he picked himself. Gosh he can be so full of himself): DO YOU WANT ME TO STEAL YOU AWAY??? SCREW DETENTION

I laughed at all their replies and turned back to the teacher discussing a topic he neither was interested to discuss, nor anyone was really listening to. 

"You seem lonely without Gail on your back." a guy with dark skin spoke as he sat on the vacated seat next to me. "Mr. Royce is always like this. Thankfully, his tests are just as boring and trivial as his discussions."

I turned to him and shuffled in my seat, not replying to what he just said, then looked away. "Lilac," he suddenly called. "I'd like to say something in behalf of what I did to you before."

I whipped my head to him and raised my brows as I scoffed, "Are you saying you're apologizing?"

He turned to me with pursed lips, "I can't apologize because doing so would mean I felt the need to, as well as the fact I didn't mean to. Both cases are false, hence I cannot say sorry."

I chuckled dryly at that, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I can only do what I can." he spoke flatly, "Since apologizing won't change what I did before, I can instead promise not to repeat any violent actions, also that I won't let anything else like that happen to you again." he said in a sure tone, making me raise my brows past the clouds in the sky.

I looked at his features for the time being, just purely and absolutely stunned that I was hearing what I was. I gazed at his brown eyes, noticed the slight upward curve on his lips, and there I found the seriousness in his words as with the serious fierceness displayed on his cheek bones. I scoffed and then suddenly what seemed to be the most logical next step for me was to start laughing hysterically. Just in time, the moment I stood up to run my mouth, the bell rung, ending our classes for the day.

He looked at me, stunned for a millisecond, but quickly brushed it off with an indifferent look. I looked down at him and felt bile rise from my throat, "You are all the worst kind of persons on this planet." I grumbled lowly. Grabbing my bag and slinging it on my shoulder, I spoke up before walking away, "I don't understand how you people can live with yourselves."

With a heavy chest and a head of fury, I stormed out before our teacher officially dismissed us. I pushed the door open and stormed out. Feeling tears well in the corner of my eyes, I recalled all the confusing things that has happened to me in these past days. Javier apologized, Dae-Hyun and I did a project, I met his older brother, Hyun-Ki, and he pulled on my heart strings, Sashka and Mishka live in my neighborhood and apologized as well, my parents fight over work, and Marcus pulls that. I whimper at these thoughts and started running where my legs take me.

What is happening? Why were they doing this to me?

My chest got heavier, as if a knot in the middle of it was tightening.

I know it sounds stupid, but I just really feel like crying now.

I lose my breath and start slowing in my pace. My heart is racing and my face was hot. Blood was pumping and tears were welling.

What in the world should I even do?

I end up by the football field, where there was a bench under a tree. I pathetically sat there, curled up defensively, all because I didn't know what else to do and why I felt so helpless I needed to do this.

Why was I even crying? Shouldn't I be happy over the fact those that were mean to me are now fundamentally telling me they no longer would be? I whimpered at the thought and pulled my legs closer to my chest. I mean, if that was the case, if everything really was turning for the better, then why is it that my thorax is completely unsettled and why could I not detect hints of honest genuineness in their words? 

Why did everything feel so empty?

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