XXV: Life Is A Game

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(A/N: i would just like to give a shout out to @user81963172 for reading and motivating me to continue and finish this story. Thank you baby <3)

I walked into my first class, slumping down next to Kai who knit his brows at the sight of me.

"You a'right?"

I huffed and gave him a look, "Do I look alright?"

Kai made an uncomfortable face, "Is it... y'know... ... or the kings again?"

I bit my lower lip hard and blinked rapidly, "I... ugh, I don't know... both?"

He purses his lips and nods, "Do you want to maybe talk about it?"

"Not really, no." I spoke softly, looking at Ms. Bedivere who was babbling what sounded like noises to me. "Let's just finish this report and get everything over with. I just want this day to end, honestly."

Kai nodded and pushed the matter no further.

The long minutes burned out until finally, we were halfway through the day in the cafeteria, during lunch. I just sat there with Gail, Nina, Cece, & Kai staring into space while they ate, as I had a very huge loss of appetite. 

"Not even ice cream?" Nina asked, pouting, "Everyone loves ice cream, Lilac. Especially you." She scooped up a bit of her frozen dessert and brought it to my lips. 

I pulled my face sourly and shook my head. "I'm just really not hungry

Gail fumed, "Is it one of those moronic clowns again? I'm gonna beat them up so har..." The girl was pacified by the hand Cece placed on her arm, along with the shaking of her head.

"Bebé, remember we're here for you, okay?" Cece cooed, "If you need to talk to anyone, we're here."

"Aw, is the princess feeling blue?" an accented voice called, making me turn over to my side to see the fierce and pretty face of Estrella. She had two other girls behind her and it was obvious she was here to pick some sort of fight.

I shook my head slowly and gave a deflated look, "Can I help you?"

Her face hardened in annoyance and anger, "I don't know can you?"

With that, I huffed and rested my head in my arms, finding that I need nap right now. With my face hidden in my arms, and my arms on the table, I found it surprisingly easy to tune out all the noise around me. And for a moment, it was just me, peacefully.

Up until it wasn't and someone sharply pulled my head from the back of my scalp and forced me to stand and move off. 


"You psycho-bitch! Let go of her!" I hear Gail shout. I was forced to look at my shoes because of the angle which my hair was being pulled. 

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE, LET GO OF HER HAIR, ESTRELLA!" Kai shouted and moved over to pry her away. It only gave her more reason to rip on my scalp. I shouted in pain and caught the roots of my hair, trying to pull away, but to no avail.

She hissed something in Portuguese and kicked Kai in the crotch with her pumps, making him effectively back off and fall on the floor. My three girl friends were trying to help me get free from Estrella's grip, but at the two girls Estrella was with was annoyingly keeping them occupied.

It was Nina who came to my rescue.

"SOMEONE CALL SECURITY!" Nina shouted at the top of her lungs as she tried to get Estrella off me.

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