XXI: Treachery

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After classes, the three kings headed to football practice.

Dae-Hyun, who was the star striker and co-captain of the team, had an advantage over Javier and Marcus, he could brutalize them in training and they wouldn't be able to do a single thing about it.

As of moment, the new recruits as well as the original team members were non-verbally having a competition of who had the better body, the three kings were definitely in the running.

"Hey, Tommy," Marcus called as the captain of the football team minded his own business and tied his shoes on. "I heard Lilac's going to our match."

Tommy didn't reply and pulled his socks up, once he was satisfied, he gave him a look and turned away without a word.

Javier snickered at his reaction while Dae-Hyun raised a brow.

"Can you believe that loser?" Marcus chuckled.

"That loser's the captain of the team. If I were you, I wouldn't push it while you're on the field." Mishka mumbled as he fixed the last of his things, whereas his twin brother, Sashka, leaned back and looked at Marcus.

"Did you just talk to me, zombie?" Marcus barked, making Javier smirk in turn.

Mishka, finally finished sorting his gear, turned to Marcus and shrugged, "I did talk to you, Marcus D'Froi." He turned to his brother and they too left the room.

Marcus let out offensive sentence consisting of multiple curse words in french to the Vanstran brothers. Javier laughed in full amusement.

"You should keep your cronies in check, Daniel." Marcus snapped.

Dae-Hyun ground his teeth at the name used on him but gave a smirk, "They're right though." he slammed his locker shut, "The only king between the three of us in the field, is me, and the queen," he chuckled, "you just pissed him off."

I went to the football field for two reasons, one, as per Thomas Sato's request, two, as I had to wait for Marcus so we could get our project over with.

My heels clicked against the waxed floor and changed sound consistency when I took a turn and headed off outside. The moment I was out on the open field, I felt the cool surround me. They were in the middle of practice and it seems Dae-Hyun was not making it easy for the new recruits, especially not the two other kings.

I looked around and opted to sit on the bleachers, not too far from were the team's bench was. I huffed and rubbed my hands together scanning the crowd, spotting the Vanstran brothers doing passing exercises. One of the two, Miska, caught my eye and stopped what he was doing. His brother passed the ball back but Miska ignored it, instead he gave a soft smile and raised a hand.

I chuckled and waved back.

"Hey Lilac," a voice spoke. I turned and saw a face sheened with sweat Tommy who had his signature smile on. "Hi Tommy."

He heaved and went up a layer of bleechers to get up to me, "Thanks for coming."

I pursed my lips, "Well, you're welcome. I also came here for Marcus."

He pulled his head back, "Marcus?

I nodded, "We have to do a project together."

He didn't reply to that. His nose twitched, "Uh, well, I wanted to ask you again."

"Ask what again?"

"To come to our game."

My face crinkled into a smile and then I started laughing, "Oh, Tom, of course I'll go to your game. It was already marked in my calendar."

He chuckled and nodded, a wide smile cracking on his face, "Of course, silly me."

Eventually, the football team's practice routine melted into a practice game. I held back a laugh when I saw they decided to go shirts vs skins. It was entertaining at first, I mean Tommy and Mishka who were on the skins team looked very nice but at the same time, Javier was also shirtless and kept winking at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

That was why I pulled my phone out and joined in the group chat Kai, Cece, Gail, and Nina had.

But I didn't get to stay long because suddenly, someone sat down next to me and stole my phone.

He sighed and chuckled at my phone screen. "Group chat? Cute."

He gave me back my phone and sighed, still chasing after his breath, "Sorry you had to wait long, and sorry you didn't get to see me play with my shirt off."

"Uh, that's not really a loss to me, Marcus."

He snickered, "You say that now," Marcus stood up and pulled his shirt off, "but now you'll never be same."

I spared a glance at his bare, toned torso and laughed. Sure, he had a nicely worked-on physique, but bodies that belonged to people like him became quite unattractive.

"I'm sure I'll live." I gave a forced look.

Marcus raised a brow as he chuckled, and ths smart, smart boy decided to put on a new shirt before even wiping he swear off his body. I sprang up in protest. "Are you really thay stupid? You haven't even wiped yourself off!"

I growled and grabbed his used shirt from him. I then roughly turned him around and wiped his back agressively. I then threw it to his nape and nodded in disagreement, "Wipe yourself off."

I crouched down and grabbed my bag, crossing my arms when I turned back to him

Marcus laughed as he faced me, wiping the rest of his sheened body. He gave me a smirk before he finally put on his shirt, "My mom would like you; she also enjoys nagging me about how I put on my shirts."

I pursed my lips, "Sounds about right. Isn't she a doctor?"

Marcus stayed silent for a moment. "She is."

Dae-Hyun scoffed at the sight of Marcus and Lilac, nodding his head he turned to Vanstrans behind him. "Pathetic." the pale man sneered. "You two, keep your eyes on her."

Lilac and Marcus then walked off and went out of thier sight. The king didn't forget to flaunt a smirk to his competetors

"Aw, Daniel," Javier chuckled, "did you forget we can't use the zombies?"

Dae-Hyun snapped to Javier and mimicked his chuckle, "Funny you should say that when you've used outside assests."

Javier's brow quirked up. Dae-Hyun's jaw clenched.

The Vanstran brothers looked upon themselves and nodded in disagreement, opting to leave and let the two hot heads battle it out. But then suddenly, the two were tackling and fists connected with faces.

The Three Kings of Langley AcademyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon