Chapter 32 - A Mission To Find Their Mate

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Sapphire's POV

It has been a couple of days since Emilia decided to go on the run again. The heartless woman called Amber caused this to happen in the first place, I still cannot believe that she has actually done that to me and herself. I need to find our mate again. So, I took some time to decide that I would go on a mission to find her old house. I knew she was inside, because I could hear her thoughts very clearly. 

"No, mama. I am not going back there! Amber used me!" 

"I want to go with you." I heard Amber say to me. "Why?" I asked her, standing up from corner of the bed that I was sat on. "Look, I know you think I am a heartless bitch, but trust me Sapphire...I didn't mean to make her run away." she replied, before she walked up towards me. 

I shook my head at her, "I don't want you to touch me from now on until I get her back to us. Got it?" I asked her, making a deal. It took her a short while to answer because she never really got ordered around before as much, but she nodded. "Good. You stay right here."


"But what, Amber? I don't care about what else you have to say for yourself! It is getting dark now anyway, so I have to get a move on. Bye." I cut her off before I left the room without another word spoken, slamming the door behind me. 

"Yes, I love Sapphire! I love her with all my heart, even though its not really beating. But I don't love Amber. Do you not understand, Mama?" 

Well, they were not actually thoughts. It was a conversation with her parents. I left the castle and began to run through the forests. Surely she wasn't too far. She was most likely a couple of miles away which was easy for vampires. I continued to run through the forests, then eventually stopped at a beginning of a street. I closed my eyes to have a small moment to myself. 

If Amber shouldn't have been so vile to Emilia, who was only a new vampire, none of this should have happened...

Suddenly, I heard her sweet and caring voice. "What are you doing here?" Emilia asked me. I opened my eyes slowly to lock my eyes with hers as I grabbed her hands, stroking the back of them with my thumb. "I came here to bring you back home. It has been a couple of days since you ran off in that horrible state." I replied to her question before her eyes began to glow purple as she stared at me. 

"My parents would love to meet you. I told them everything that happened, even though they told me to explain in my own time." she said to me before she took a deep breath. The poor thing was scared of her second mate, the bitch who made her run away for the second time. "Don't worry about Amber. I would love to meet your parents." I told her before I kissed her cheek softly. She then started to guide me towards her parent's house, which was a couple of minutes away from where I was standing. 

I watched my mate open the door before I saw her parents sitting at the dining table, chatting together. As soon as they noticed that I was here with them, they turned their heads to look at me with a large smile on their faces. "Good evening, ladies. I assume Emilia has already told you about our situation." I greeted them. "Please. Call me Callie. And this is Esther." Callie introduced herself. I nodded at her before I felt Emilia rest her head on my shoulder. 

"Do you mind if I give you our blessing, when everything has been sorted?" Esther asked me. Their blessing? Wait, hold on a minute. They want...

"We are not planning to get married yet." I quickly told Esther, wanting to get that out of the way. Where did she get that idea from? "Oh. I guess you are all still new to the relationships." Esther said before she let out a small sigh. 

Callie then got up from her seat so that she could hug her daughter as a goodbye for now. "I love you, okay? Never forget that." she said, kissing her on the top of her head before they pulled away. I decided to step outside as they were saying goodbye to each other, giving them some time. 

This mission was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Maybe Emilia did actually really love Amber as much as I do? I was so confused...

"Come on, then. Let's go back home." Emilia told me, grabbing my hand again which made me smile at her. Then, I picked her up bridal style, making her let out a small squeak. She then snuggled her head against my neck as I started to run all the way back home which took me a couple of minutes as the nightfall gives us more strength. 

Once we were in the castle again, I took Emilia upstairs and placed her back down onto the floor just outside of the bedroom. She turned her head to give me a sad and scared look. "Do you want me to knock instead?" I asked her quietly, wanting this to be a surprise for Amber. 

She shook her head before she raised her hand and knocked the door with her knuckles. The door opened immediately, revealing a very happy Amber. "Oh my god, I am so fucking sorry..." she told Emilia before wrapping her arms around her. "I am so sorry..." she said to her again. 

I watched Emilia accept the embrace, as she wrapped her arms around her body. She had some tears streaming down her face as she was also happy to be back. "I am sorry too..." she apologised before Amber picked her up and brought her onto the bed, laying her down. 

"Don't do anything to her yet." I told my mate before she nodded, "I wasn't going to do anything to her. Trust me. I just want to cuddle with her to say how sorry I am for being a bitch to her." 

I nodded at that, before I joined them. 

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