Chapter 9 - A Little Party (EDITED!)

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Both of our heads turned to stare at Amber, who was smiling at us. When we didn't say anything, this meant for her to just walk into the room and not giving a care in the world about our privacy. I immediately noticed that she was wearing a very fancy dark blue dress, most of the fabric looked like it was made of silk but at the end of the dress, it was black lace. Her hair was now down, no longer in that crown bun. "

"There is going to be a small party for the both of you, tonight." she announced to us in a bit of a cheerful tone. Okay...

"A party? For us?" Sapphire asked her, completely surprised by that. "Yep! A party just for the two of you. My kingdom is very happy to have you here, so we decided to have a party. There is going to be some dances...including me of course." Amber said to her, before turning to look at me. 

"Why do you look ill? What's wrong?" she asked me. "She looks ill because she came out of your dirty mind damaging spell. She almost died." Sapphire answered her. I was glad that she told the truth instead of a lie. 

 "She almost died?"

"Because of you."

Whoa. That was a bit over the top. Amber widened her eyes, offended by that before her eyes started to change colour yet again. "You will go to the party and not say such stupid shit about me. Do you understand?" she asked her. "Yes Mistress." Sapphire automatically replied. 

Then, her eyes softened as she turned to me while Sapphire got up and walked out of the room to enjoy the party. "Was she telling the truth about you?" Amber asked me. Now it's my turn to ask the questions. "Yes. She was telling the truth. Why do you control her that way? Just so that she would obey you without any other questions?" I asked her. 

"You are like a clone of her, but you look nothing alike each other."

"That doesn't answer my questions."

"Oh I think you know the answers, my darling. Come downstairs with me." Amber told me before she offered her hand to me. It took me a few seconds to process what happened, but I took her hand. Then, we were suddenly in the ball room. Teleportation...

The ball room was barely empty anyway, it wasn't really a party. It was more like a small gathering. And a gathering was far more different than a party, apart from some gentle soothing music which was perfect for a slow dance. 

I looked around for Sapphire, but I couldn't find her...oh. She was talking to Millie. Hold on a minute, was her eyes glowing a light purple? Or was it some more side effects? I let go of Amber's hand before I began to walk my way up to them. Millie noticed me as I heard her say goodbye to Sapphire.

"I must continue doing my service for our ruler. Thank you for the interesting conversation, Sapphire." Millie told her. "You are welcome! See you later." Sapphire said, before her eyes landed on me as I stopped just a few inches away from her. Her eyes were actually glowing. 

"Is it just me, or is your eyes glowing a light purple?" I asked her. Sapphire then tilted her head to the side, confused on what I just asked her. Yeah, I was rather confused too...

"Attention, everyone!" Amber called. We all obeyed like her puppets and I hate myself for it. "Some of you will know that we have two new members to our kingdom. Sapphire and Emilia were vampire hunters..." The vampires gasped dramatically. Urgh...

"Do not be alarmed, my lovely people. They are my mates and I will do anything in my power to make them...special. That is all. Carry on with whatever you were doing before." That second to last sentence struck me. That was a has to be! I turned to look at Sapphire, who was smiling at Amber. 

"Oi! She is your ex! Wake up!" I told her. She then shook her head, making me gasp slightly. What she said next, shocked me even more.

"Not anymore. I am done fighting with her." she said to me, before I began to step out of the way for Amber to get to her. "That's right, my little hunter. You are going to be mine tonight." I heard her say. 

No...No....this was not happening. No way in hell. I then watched Sapphire lean towards Amber, only for Amber to lock her lips with hers. 

Everybody in the room apart from me, clapped for them. 

What. The. Fuck. 

// Oooh...another spicy one. 

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