Chapter 22 - Her Two Mates (Part 3)

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// Very sorry about the small pause in the updates. I have been working on something else which will be coming out rather soon, once I am done with Not So Human which will end pretty soon sadly. More will be explained later, for now, enjoy. ALSO, this point of view of a certain character will ONLY be a one time thing! So you are all very lucky to see this. As I said before, enjoy.

Amber's POV

I still couldn't quite believe that I had gotten so lucky with having two mates. I was staring into Emilia's perfect tired eyes, my arm wrapped around her waist as she was slowly falling asleep in front of me. I watched her let out a small yawn as her eyes then finally closed. "Sleep well, my little human. I love you." I whispered to her ear. I leaned to her cheek as I pressed my lips against it. I fully pulled away from her before I was ready to see how Sapphire was doing. The blood moon was still in the sky, so there was still some time left. 

I took one last look at Emilia before I went out of the room, closing the door quietly as I could behind me. I respect everyone's privacy, including my mates. Damn...I still can't get over it. I felt like I got blessed by the vampire goddess. 

It took me about half a minute to get to Sapphire. When I walked in, I immediately saw that she was laying on the bed with her hands behind her head. "How is she?" she asked me as I closed the door. "She has just gone to sleep, my little vampire. You did well with sharing her." I replied. I knew this wasn't really me that was talking, this was my darkness. 

I felt a small gust of cold wind touch my bare skin, which meant Sapphire was right close to me. I turned around slowly, my eyes locking with hers instantly. "When are you going to turn her?" Sapphire asked me as her hands started to touch my waist, "We. We will be turning her." I told her quietly, before I tilted my head to the side. I watched her lean in to my neck before feeling her bite into me. I let out a small deep moan as she started to drink from me. She was extremely good at this...

"Good girl. Not too much, remember..." I purred at her, my arms slowly wrapping around her like a snake. A few seconds have then quickly passed as I felt her pull away. I then gave her a small smirk before I used my speed to pin her against the wall then I pressed my lips against hers passionately. 

Suddenly, Sapphire placed her hands against my chest, wanting me to back off for some reason. I let out a small sigh before pulling away from her so that she could speak to me. 

"What do you mean? 'We' will be turning her? How is that going to work?" she asked me, her voice increased in volume which I didn't like at all. "First, don't be so loud. Second, I will tell you later, when the time is right. Got it?" I replied, asking if she understood that. She hesitated for a minute, before finally nodding. 

"Good. Now, let's continue..." I then said with a bit of seductive tone in my voice before we had our lips attached again. 

A couple of hours later, we were laying on the bed with our arms wrapped around each other. "This is like our old times together...before this shit happened." Sapphire said, with her light glowing red eyes closing a little. The blood moon was setting. 

I let out another small sigh, before I leaned in to kiss her softly. "I know it feels like that, babe. Get some sleep, okay?" I asked her. Oh. Her eyes were already closed which meant that she fell asleep. The birds outside were then tweeting and chirping, which also meant that it was about 6 in the morning. 

I didn't need much sleep, so I slowly got up carefully to not to disturb Sapphire, before returning to my duties. 

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